The nucleus of any business philosophy lies in profit generation, new incremental business, increasing sales and conversions and above all optimizing use of existing resources. Focusing on anything other than that usually acts as a drag on business growth and development, a factor that any commercial enterprise can ill afford. There are many functions that prop up a business venture without being a part of its core activities and these are what can drain precious resources. One of the primary areas in this regard is data entry and processingand there are many reasons why outsourcing this alone can lead to building a better business configuration.

Opting for outsourcing data entry services is always beneficial. Maintaining it in-house requires huge capital investment to install the latest hardware and software as well as necessitating recruitment of trained and skilled manpower to run the systems. Thus there is a substantial savings and cost reduction both in recurring establishment expenses and cost of capital. Companies can use this savings to plan for new product launches, creating brand awareness and devising optimized marketing strategies for higher growth. What is crucial is that this savings can be utilized to formulate new products and services with competitive pricing that can lead to greater market share.

Once you have made the decision to outsource, you'll do well to ensure that the following processes are carried out accurately and precisely -   

  • Comprehensive data entry work - This by itself has many aspects which can single handedly reduce your work load many notches. The first is online data entry where the outsourced agency will work remotely over secured lines. The next is offline data entry for manual jobs. Image capturing and tagging is also a part of the services offered.
  • Data capture and processing – Data capture has to be precise and accurate and adds all your basic forms, records, coupons and other relevant vouchers and photos. Other than that structured data is extracted for processing from your database. This is done with a great deal of care using specialized techniques to make sure that the final data that will form the foundation of future additions will be totally precise. In fact, a data enrichment process will improve the quality of data by eliminating errors and duplication in previous data compilation.
  • Document Management and Directory Services – This is an integral part of data entry services and by outsourcing it, you can save a lot of man hours that can be better utilized for more productive core activities. The first is document management wherein files are sorted, organized, indexed and stored for easy retrieval. Directory Services helps you spread brand awareness as your products and services are listed in business directories. This increased visibility of your company results in a higher conversion rate and business growth.

However, a word of caution here, while on one hand a good and reputed outsourcing agency can help build your business and take it to the next level, in the hands of below par outsourced companies it can destroy you. So spare a thought before finalizing an agency and ensure that two safeguards are strictly in place –

  • Data entry accuracy – This should be your primary concern because the very structure of your business depends on data and reports generated accuracy. Make sure that the agency you ultimately finalize have resources that check and monitor accuracy rates. You might have areas that are high priority areas which need to be doubly checked and tracked for precision. Does the company carry out frequent audit of data entry accuracy? Does the company have layers of safeguards like "if this then that" which automatically checks one data entered against another standardized field to check correctness? These are all vitally important for you.
  • Data maintenance security – A lot of confidential information of your business as well as that of your clients will be passed on to an external agency for processing. Therefore it is imperative that the outsourced company has stringent protective measures in place. This is usually in the form of raw and processed data kept in separately and only handled by people on a "need-to-know" basis.



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