So, you have been looking to join an MBA course but don't quite know which one to choose. In fact, there are so many MBA institutes out there and so many business programs that you can pursue. A great number of students plan to make it to the top MBA colleges now. The search for these colleges has become easier due to the internet. All you have to do is apply online. You can pick the ones that you find suitable and to your liking. Fill in the admission forms online after you find out whether you meet their requirements.


Even then choosing a good reputable MBA institute is not child's play. There is a big question in there. You have to look at the complete profile of the college or the university to learn all you can about it. The write-ups about experts, associates, projects, certification, association and experience and every other information should be there, available on the website.

Now soon after choosing a good college and after the application process is complete, you also need to submit the necessary documents. You would now need to face an interview which is the most important part in the process. This is an important step because in this test the weak students are eliminated by the authorities to choose the right candidates for the program. Some people are of the view that MBA entrance exams are all about writing theory. It is not essentially that. The interviews are conducted so that the personality can be analysed to the fullest. The business school would also try to assess the students based on the ones that can be placed well and those that will help carry the good name of their school far and beyond in their career.

The personality of the applicant will be measured through the interview. Besides, the examiner can test the interpersonal skills of the candidate too. The student has to prepare himself for any question asked, whether personal, behavioural or educational. The candidate should also study something about the institution before he sets out for an interview.

Personal stories about someone, his achievements, weaknesses and goals have to be well studied before setting off on the interview bandwagon. These stories can be interesting case studies for the examiner and help him to decide on your capability of attending an MBA course. Be ready for questions that are follow-up types so that in an entrance interview there is no place for a spun out yarn in any case.


Being cool, calm and confident at an interview is the best way to impress the interview. Speaking for too long or too little a time does not help. Speaking directly with confidence and at a much moderate speed is what is expected of a candidate. Practice makes a man perfect is how the dictum goes and with a lot of practice and a cool and calm demeanour, you are sure to make headway into one of the prime colleges for an MBA course in the city.



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