This specialized procedure is conducted all over the country, but it is best to get dental implants fort Lauderdale from professionals who have the right certification so that this complicated procedure can be carried out without any issues. People should choose a certified periodontist Weston, FL for the same.

In the following points, some common myths about dental implants are discussed and busted with the help of actual facts-

MYTH 1: It Is Extremely Expensive To Get A Dental Implant - There are many options available for people who want to get an implant but it is advisable to not look at the price because the benefits would be felt by the patient for years to come.

MYTH 2: Any Dentist Can Place A Dental Implant - Licensed dentists can legally place implants, but the field is specialized and they do not have the necessary training to offer great results like a periodontist Weston FL. It is best to use the services of a surgical specialist for the same.

MYTH 3: Dental Implants Can Be Ineffective - As compared to other options for replacing the tooth, the success rate of dental implants conducted by a professional periodontist Weston FL stands at 95%.

MYTH 4: Cheapest Dental Implants Are The Best Because Quality Is The Same Everywhere - This is a myth that can hurt the quality of care patients receive. Price should never be a consideration when it comes to dental implants fort Lauderdale. Instead, patients should let their periodontist decide what works best for them.

MYTH 5: Titanium Implants Can Cause Headaches - Headaches are caused post-procedure due to complications or TMJ disorder, but there are no studies that show any relation between Titanium implants and migraines/headaches.

MYTH 6: Mini Implants And Standard Implants Are Substitutes For Each Other - Mini implants are largely used during the stabilization process as they help the patient make the transition to standard implants. They are meant for short term use and over time, they can fracture and become unstable. Thus, they are not substitutes for standard implants, no matter what the advertisements may say.

MYTH 7: A Lot Of Pain Is Caused During Dental Implants' Procedure - For people suffering from anxiety during the procedure, pain can be eliminated using anesthesia or nitrous oxide.

MYTH 8: Everyone Is A Candidate For Dental Implants - Some people don't need dental implants fort Lauderdale and might not be good candidates for the procedure because they do not have a strong bone structure or tissue inside their mouth.

It is best to let the general dentist recommend a professional for surgical dental implants.


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