A cough – a protective reaction of the organism to irritation of the respiratory system. A wet cough occurs in various diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract and is accompanied by sputum – a mixture of mucous secretion, inflammatory products, and microorganisms. The accumulation of sputum in lung and bronchus inhibits the healing process and can lead to complications such as pneumonia. Therefore, active and continuous removal of phlegm is the main task of a wet cough.

A cough – what features?

Since the main objective and the result of a moist cough – the removal of phlegm, cough, doctors are called productive. A number of sputum, there may be various – from minor (sputum is swallowed, sick unnoticed) to very large (have to spit phlegm).

A number of sputum, its form and composition depend on the nature of the disease of the bronchopulmonary system. For example, acute bronchitis is produced copious mucous expectoration, pneumonia – rust-colored sputum; viscous sputum, similar to glass – a sign of worsening asthma, fetid greenish purulent sputum – a manifestation of bronchiectasis and lung abscess.

Special attention should cough in young children. Due to the age characteristics (weak muscles of the chest) coughing quickly depletes the body of the child possible. As a result, of weaker cough, phlegm accumulates in the airways, which leads to a deterioration of the child (increased body temperature, the increase in symptoms of intoxication) and the development of complications (purulent bronchitis, pneumonia).

The intensity of a wet cough depends on the amount and viscosity of sputum. The liquid / watery mucus scant, usually displayed without much difficulty, cough 1-2 point. However, for many diseases of the bronchi and lungs are very sticky sputum, thick and hearty though that is long-lasting, paroxysmal cough. In young children, coughing is often accompanied by vomiting. In addition, a long, severe cough leads to headaches, pain in the abdomen and chest, which is bad for the state of health of the patient. So often cough requires a special treatment.

A strong cough is because of what?

A cough is almost never saline. In other words, repeated cough with sputum – a sign of the disease. The reasons for a wet cough are pneumonia (advanced disease), obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, abscess, lung cancer, bronchiectasis, and tuberculosis. However, it most often accompanied by bronchitis caused by bacterial infection or related to SARS.

The main respiratory disease determines the duration and dynamics of a wet cough. In the midst of acute inflammation of the trachea, bronchi and lungs a cough can be very intense; then it gradually weakens and a decrease in the activity of the formation of phlegm gradually eroding. For a wet cough with chronic inflammation and asthma is typical in waves – increased during periods of exacerbation, easing the way to extinction during the periods of remission. When lung abscess or a bronchiectasis cough appears sporadically in connection with the evacuation of pus from the cavity. In tuberculosis and lung cancer cough almost constantly these diseases often occur with alternating episodes of a wet and dry cough.

Given these patterns, doctors divide a cough into three categories – acute, recurrent or chronic, which helps in the selection of treatment and maximize the effectiveness of therapy. An acute cough lasts less than two weeks; a recurrent cough different undulating course for four – five weeks; a chronic cough lasts continuously for more than four weeks.

In most cases, the treatment of a wet cough – a routine process, is inseparably associated with the treatment of the underlying disease. However, in some cases, changing the character or appearance of a cough associated symptoms may require a change in regimen, and indicate the need for emergency care and intensive care. These cases include:

  • The sudden appearance of a cough that does not stop;
  • The appearance of shortness of breath on a background cough;
  • The emergence of severe pain in the chest in a background cough;
  • A cough accompanied by severe wheezing in the chest, which can be heard at a distance;
  • Coughing up blood or the presence of visible blood in the sputum;
  • A cough lasting more than 4 weeks.
The treatment of a wet cough

As already mentioned, the basis of the struggle with a wet cough – this treatment caused his illness. However, there are specially designed drugs and therapies whose action is precisely directed to the treatment of a moist cough. For non-drug measures against a wet cough include postural drainage, vibration / percussion chest massage, and drainage respiratory gymnastics. The main group of drugs those are effective in the treatment of a wet cough – a group of mucolytic drugs.

Mucolytic drugs or mucolytics – a medication liquefies phlegm and facilitates its separation. An example of the effective mucolytic, that is used for the treatment of a wet cough in adults and children, it is a drug ATSTS®. The active substance ATSTS® – acetylcysteine thins mucus, breaking the disulfide bonds of mucopolysaccharides sputum. As a result, of sputum becomes less viscous and more fluid and easily evacuated from the airway. In addition to effects on sputum, acetylcysteine, by stimulating the synthesis of glutathione, binds the free radicals, the products of the inflammatory response, and various toxins. That is peculiar to antioxidant ATSTS®, cytoprotective effects of the disease and make it easier for the patient's condition. It should be noted that under the action of acetylcysteine did not increase the intensity of the formation of phlegm, which is important for the treatment of a wet cough in young children.

Acetylcysteine is usually well tolerated and refers to the safety of the drug. Among the contraindications are the drug idiosyncrasy, hemoptysis, pulmonary hemorrhage, and exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.

ATSTS® available as a powder for oral use and the tablets is taken in a dose dependent on age. For the little ones to develop a separate form of the drug – ATSTS® oral solution 20 mg / ml with cherry taste. This form ATSTS® easy to use – a necessary dose is measured using the measuring cup and has a pleasant smell and taste, which makes it easier to treat children. Apply ATSTS® for the treatment of a wet cough in children is possible since 2 years.

In addition to receiving ATSTS®, you need to drink plenty of fluids and humidify the air in the apartment (with a special moisturizer or just hanging on battery wet towel or sheet). These actions contribute to the thinning mucus and its removal from the airways.

Contrary to the stereotype are superfluous and a walk in the fresh air, even in the cold season. Outdoors airways are well ventilated, the body receives extra oxygen, which enhances the immune system and reduces the risk of secondary infections.

Source : articlesbase.com


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