Meant for enhancing the facial aesthetics, cosmetic surgeries assist in successfully reconstructing the defective area  or enhance the facial  aesthetic arena.

What Are The Types Of Cosmetic Surgery Meant For Facial Region Are As Follows:

Types of Cosmetic Surgery:

  • Ø Face Lift

This surgical procedure can offer you a significant amount of youthful appearance, not just by tightening the skin, but also removing the excess skin the from face.

  • Ø Neck Lift

As a person ages, it affects the neck area at the most.  This process involves alteration of the neck and removal of the excess skin, wrinkles and muscles, depending on the specific condition of the individual patient. Along with liposuction and Botox injections, these problems can be easily addressed.

  • Ø Spider Veins

Mostly visible in the legs and face area, spider veins are smaller vessels in blue, red and purple which can easily twist and move. The treatment options for getting rid of this situation include Endovenous laser treatment, Radiofrequency occlusion, Sclerotherapy, etc.

  • Ø Eyebrows Lift

This surgery can offer you a younger look and offer a great result in the sagging eyebrows, not only making a person appear younger, but more aged, causing vision impairment hooding the upper eyelid. The frown lines and crease on the forehead are reduced significantly with this surgery.

  • Ø Cheek Implants

Also known as cheek augmentation, implants are generally inserted in the cheek bones. Enhancing the appearance of the cheeks can be easily undertaken and understood. The best thing that this surgery is concerned with is offering more rejuvenated and youthful look.

There are 3 common shares of the cheek implants which are as follows:

ü Malar Cheek Implants- This sort of surgery is required for a better and higher projection of the cheekbone area.

ü Submalar Cheek Implants – This type of implant are chosen by those who desire a gaunt appearance of a fuller cheek.

ü Combined Cheek Implants- Along with cheekbones, these implants also provide augmentation of the cheek area.

  • Ø Facial Liposuction

This is a minimal invasive procedure which includes facial liposuction, removing the excess fat from the chin and face, resulting in skin tightening, removal of double chins and heavy jowls.

  • Ø Augmentation of Chin

This kind of surgery is mainly carried out in two ways. Either by reshaping the moving bones, or by the implant inserted.

This is a highly beneficial procedure for correcting the lower eyelids, extra skin layers, and bagginess.

  • Ø Nose Contouring Or Rhinoplasty

A common form of surgery helping you to reshape your nose  in order to make it appear smaller, sharper or larger, bumps, correcting nose tips, etc as per desired.

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