Darjeeling tea is accepted as the finest blend all over the world. To make it all the more delighting, one should learn the way of serving it. Perfectly preparing this blend reveals its gorgeous flavors and the drinker can thoroughly enjoy this excusive blend. The very first step in this process is to buy the finest quality Darjeeling tea. From the water to the brewing time, everything has to be perfect so that the drinker can reap full benefit of the stunning flavors. 

Choosing the Preferable Blend

Select one of the refreshing blends of Darjeeling. There are loose leaf types as well as tea bags of different flavors. Black brew is the favorite of most of the drinkers, though there are wide varieties Darjeeling.

Choosing the Water

Flavors of the tea can shine only when one uses soft water free from all impurities. To ensure that the water is pure, it is better to use water softener. Don't have a water softener? Bottled water is the ideal alternative if one wishes to enjoy the real flavor. However, remember one thing that re-boiling water while preparing Darjeeling tea limits its flavor.

Preparing the Tea Pot 

To take the greatest advantage of infusing process, one should heat the pot with a small amount of boiling water before starting the brewing. By this, teapot doesn't absorb the heat from the water and hence, brewing can give the perfect flavor.

Infusing Time

As soon as the water boils, pour it into the teapot and replace its lid. For brewing Darjeeling black blend, infusion time should be 3 to 5 minutes depending on the strength the drinker wants. Preparing first flush Darjeeling? Don't forget that it has delicate flavor. Buy Darjeeling black tea online and try out these steps to enjoy the rich tantalizing flavor of the blend.

Serving the Brew

When the brew is ready, the final step is to serve it. Some directly pour the tea into the cup while others put it in another teapot. Prefer milk with tea? Well, for Darjeeling, it is advisable to drink it without adding sugar or milk. This gives the drinker the chance to appreciate the different layers of flavors of this golden liquor to its fullest.

So, Darjeeling tea is finally ready for sipping. Many people prefer to have lemon tea with Darjeeling. In that case, add lemon in a very small quantity at the time of infusion. It will have a citrusy twist to the cup. 

Source : articlesbase.com


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