If you're experiencing any of these 5 symptoms, they could be signs that you may need a root canal!A root canal treatment is performed if you have an infection in the core of your tooth. Common symptoms include sore and swollen gums, toothache, Tooth injury, Discoloration. Problems like disease, decay and injury can threatened the health of your teeth and ruin your smile. But thanks to advances in treatment and technologies, many teeth can be saved before they reach the point of disrepair.

I have often heard of people discussing the woes of getting a root canal treatment. I did not realize the extent to which this condition could affect us mentally or physically till I experienced it firsthand.

When your tooth gets decayed or rotten, the nerve that holds it in place in the jaw might become irritated and inflamed. The soft core that is the nerve, tissue pulp is usually the place that gets attached and damaged first.

In these cases, where the nerve tissue of the tooth in damaged, a root canal treatment is the procedure where a hold is made in the tooth and all damaged nerves, bacteria etc…. is removed.

Here are 5 signs that signal an impending root canal treatment:

1)    Swelling of the mouth or gums

You might be suffering from tooth decay due to which the nerves are signaling an infection. The infection can lead to swelling of the gums and mouth area close to the decay.

2)    Toothache

The first sign of tooth decay is pain and discomfort while chewing and biting. Sometimes the pain is so severe that pain relief in the form of pain reliever gels or medicines might be required.

3)    Sensitivity of the tooth

When a tooth is weak or damaged, biting on a hard, cold or hot substance can cause pain or tingling in the nerve or root of the tooth, long after losing contact with that substance.

4)    Discoloration

If you feel your teeth becoming dark or brown gradually for no apparent reason, you might need to check if your tooth is proper or has it decayed to the extent that it requires a tooth canal treatment.

5)    Tooth Injury

Sometimes due to our bad luck or negligence, we might land up breaking or injuring our teeth. The teeth might not even look damaged on the surface, but the nerves in between could be deeply affected and destroyed.

So if you have been experiencing any of the above symptoms, do not forget to visit a dentist so that you can rule out a root canal treatment or find the source of the problem in the tooth.

Source : articlesbase.com


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