For shiny and white looking teeth people spend lots of money for various treatments without knowing their consequences but do not prefer to opt for home made remedy to achieve white teeth. The significant query over here is how teeth get yellow. Therefore first know the major reasons behind the yellow teeth.

Including various factors, genetics also plays an important role on how fine you perform oral hygiene and what sort of drinks and food you consume. Tooth comprises of following tissues as below:

Enamel: It is the toughest white covering for protection of tooth.

Dentin: It sustains the enamel and is very firm yellow material that holds nerves.

Pulp: It is positioned at centre of tooth and it surrounds blood and lymph vessels.

Cementum: Finally cementum is used for covering the root of the tooth.

A few food and drinks will openly tarnish the enamel but every so often two biggest wrongdoers are nasty drink and food which in reality breaks the enamel and weakens it. After breaking down, it reveals yellow dentin underside. Therefore to achieve white teeth without wasting money you can opt for various home remedies to eliminate yellow teeth. Few home tips are stated below.

1.       Baking Soda and Lemon Juice Paste

You can quietly scrub the surface stains for getting the shade you desire. Its acidic property could maintain good balance in your mouth if you eat lot of acidic food and keep pH level maintained because it's very clear that acid breaks down enamel. It will also reduce acidity of lemon juice that acts like natural bleach. You can use great amount of water, baking soda and lemon juice to achieve white teeth.

2.      Strawberry, Salt and Baking Soda Scrub

Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C that help break-down plaque, which makes teeth emerge yellow. It also comprise of an enzyme called malic acid, which is fairly tricky to eradicate facade stains. The available salt physically cleans tinge gunk and baking soda is extra stroke that you can opt if you want to.

3.      Coconut Oil Rinse

This old is old and best in its simplest form for teeth whitening. The lauric acid accessible within coconut oil can shun bacteria that are habitually found in plaque, and can simply make your teeth grow yellowish in color.

You can get rid of yellow teeth and get white teeth very easily by just following the above mentioned home remedies. Above mentioned tips are proven to be effective but may take little longer duration thus is it necessary to be patient while dealing with them. Else for instant result you can also make use of Alta White Teeth Whitening Kit because this is not a product but a clinically proven and FDA approved product that's entirely contain natural ingredients and displays results in a very short period of time. You can easily apply Alta White in three easy steps:

  • Snap the swap tab with the color ring and moisten it.
  • Now dip the wet applicator to the whitening powder that comes in a jar.
  • Apply the swab to teeth covering all visible surfaces. It is suggested to use different swabs on the upper and the lower teeth.

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