When an old tradition is combined with a new ideology, results that follow can be hugely significant. This is what combining yoga and the seven principles or laws of spirituality, as put together by Dr Deepak Chopra and Dr David Simon, can deliver. These laws along with the principles of yoga can help you achieve enthusiasm, joy, and vitality in all the different roles you play each day. Yoga has long been known as the best way to attain a balanced body, mind, and soul. And when these seven principles are used along with this old Indian tradition, the impact they can have on your life can be simply exceptional. Let's discuss these laws in a little detail and what benefits they can offer you.The Law of Pure Potentiality – Give yourself some time every day. This could be either in the form of meditation or by taking a long walk, allowing you to appreciate natural beauty. To move to the next step, you should join a yoga class in San Francisco. There you will be told about how you can combine the yoga practice with these laws. While on the yoga mat and moving through yoga postures, you will be asked to bring stillness in your mind, so that you can practice pure potentiality. The Law of Giving – Try learning the benefits of unconditional giving. This need not be in monetary terms; you can simply speak a word two of motivation, offer a smile, or just compliment someone on the good work they have done. Giving is always followed by receiving, which you will learn on the yoga mat as you will give and receive breath.The Law of Karma – Be very particular about what you do and the choices you make on a day-to-day basis. And contemplate the pros and cons of a decision before going ahead. Follow the same principle on the mat by contemplating the way a posture can be performed without causing discomfort. The Law of Least Effort – Happily accept your present condition; believe that the moment you are in exactly how it was meant to be. Don't blame others for your situation and start taking responsibility of everything you do and face in life. This is what you need to do on the yoga mat as well – accept your body in the condition it is now; though, you desire it to be different. Commit yourself for regular yoga practice, so that you can responsibly move towards achieving what you desire. The Law of Intention and Desire – Figure out what you desire and make sure you revisit these things every time you sit for meditation or go to sleep. Don't let your focus shift while doing your postures, and be aware of how you can utilize the present moment to achieve all that you desire. The Law of Detachment – Open yourself to endless possibilities, and make yourself akin to uncertainty. With uncertainty comes flexibility, and this is what you have to do on the yoga mat – remain calm and give up on the need of exercising control. The Law of Dharma – Derive the purpose of your life and how you can be useful to others. On the mat, let yoga postures help you to release the obstruction that is keeping you from going ahead and embracing the purpose of your life.

Source : articlesbase.com


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