From the past 5 years, IT companies have increasingly started using PHP as their major scripting language. Especially for the website development and web applications project, PHP is turning to be profitable language for the companies. Countries like India, Philippines etcwhich are considered as the hub for web development outsourcing, had started hiring team of PHP developers in previous years. The companies can select from a wide range of languages available like ASP, Java, Perl, CGI etc. but PHP is trending as most popular programming language. Let us have a look at some of the points which shows the benefits of using PHP - 1.    Open source- PHP is an open source language which can be downloaded and used easily. From the point of financial terms for the companies, it is the most cost effective language which provides them with high features. As compared to its cost (which is almost nil), you can develop high performance application very easily. This is the main reason why IT companies prefers PHP over other languages.2.    Simplicity – PHP is written so well that it is very easy to learn, understand and to work with. Even if you have good knowledge of HTML, learning PHP would be quite easy for you. Numbers of companies are providing training courses for complete PHP which can be completed within a couple of months. 3.    Flexibility – PHP is a platform independent language and can used in number of operating systems like Windows, Linux, Mac, Unix etc. If we come to the connectivity aspect with databases.. PHP supports all major databases like MySQL, Oracle etc. These features make PHP the most flexible language which can deploy on all major platforms.

4.    Fast Speed – In terms of configuration and usage, programming languages like Java, Asp etc are not as easy to use as PHP. The codes written in PHP are lightweight and can be implemented quickly. Being an open source language, PHP made applications and websites are easy to develop, fast and can be taken to any level of advance development. The PHP scripts will retain to its speed without slowing down the overall process because the processing time is comparatively low. 5.    Security – With the advancement and use of well coded functionalities, PHP can provide you with high security features. 6.    High Performance – With features like simplicity, high flexibility and security you can develop applications with high performances. Easy connectivity with databases can help you to develop dynamic pages very effectively. 7.    Support – Being one of the most widely used programming language; PHP has large and active community of users. You can find out the solution to your problems and queries very easily with the help of any PHP forum or community. One of the fastest growing PHP web development company in India CyberNext says – "PHP is now being used by many popular websites like Wikipedia and Facebook. Developing websites in PHP is very simple and turning to be a profitable business. PHP Frameworks like CakePHP, Code Igniter help to develop high performance web applications effectively and on time."

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