During health screenings, the most common health conditions that the doctors check for are: high BP, cancer, diabetes, cholesterol, obesity, osteoporosis. Doctors will decide which health screening package is most suitable for each individual depending on the age, gender and family history which will help figure out if you have any risk factors or none for any particular illnesses. 

If you are worried about any examination being carried out, you can always question your doctor before the tests are carried out. Gather information on what each test covers and what information it will give regarding your health, regarding the cost of the examinations and if insurance covers it. Also, get information on any preparation you need to do in advance before the tests, such as fasting. 

Also knowing the exact steps of the medical examination will help you to relax and face them. You can also check regarding any side effects if any by carrying out these examinations and how and when your results will be seen. Once the results arrive, ensure that the doctor explains all the results in detail. If anything is not clear, do not hesitate to ask again and get them to explain in a manner which you understand. 

Few of the common screening examinations carried out always include blood examinations, as it always shows up in the results if the person has any underlying issues. Blood tests are also less risky and can be somewhat carried out on any individual. It is very rare for individuals to react adversely for blood examinations. While many of the blood examinations can be carried out immediately without any preparation, few detailed reports will require the patient to fast 8 -  12 hours before taking the blood sample for testing.  Usually, only a small sample of blood will be required to examine which can even be taken from a prick in the finger or drawn from the arm. 

But blood tests alone will not show any underlying health issues. For this, the doctors will recommend a few other screening methods depending on the health package suggested for each individual after determining their family health history and studying the individuals lifestyle. Other factors will also be considered including your medical history or results from other tests and procedures to provide a comprehensive report. 

Health screenings are a wise step to be taken by all individuals. Whether you are forced to take one by your office or family, or you decided on your own; make sure you see it through. Take the results of the screening into careful consideration and ensure that you continue carrying out health screenings regularly to monitor and identify any health issues at an early stage. 

Source : articlesbase.com


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