The YouTube Trap

It's easy for publishers to fall into the trap. We start thinking of video monetization in YouTube terms. The ads preroll at the start of your videos, and then gets out of the way for your content. But online video growth isn't slowing down – and it won't. Video publishers now get the benefit of new monetization platforms and strategies. Online video has started out by mirroring traditional TV models.

There are sponsored content, merchandise, content licensing, and even PPV (pay per view) platforms! But technological innovations mean that it's hard to know what to expect in the future. For instance, what kind of effect will the Internet of Things have on video ads? Will we see personalized video ads that can identify us by DNA? This audience shift and monetization convergence isn't going to stop so if you want to stay ahead of the monetization curve and make some extra revenue on the way check out these top 10 video monetization platforms you can start using today.

So what are the top 10 video monetization platforms for you to choose from?

BrightcoveWochitLiverailKalturaFacebookYoutubeDailyMotionAdNgin Video WidgetMatomyAdSense for Video

YouTube controls the most eyeballs for now and is easy to get started. By the time you get to this spot, you'll know that there are a bunch of different platforms. Each of them has their own unique strengths – and sometimes frustrating exclusivity.

Brightcove, Liverail, and Kaltura all give you more powerful publishing capabilities. They work on your own site. 

There's also new kinds of content too With this explosion of online video demand, we're also seeing all kinds of different video monetization strategies emerge… and new kinds of content.

Sometimes we tend to think of video monetization only in the standard youTube way. Just the basics. The ad prerolls at the start of your video, and then gets out of the way for your content. But as online video keeps growing, video publishers get the benefit of new monetization methods to try out. In fact, the different options now mirror the traditional TV model quite closely. There are sponsorships, merchandise, content licensing, and even PPV (pay per view)!

For now, I guess we're going to go watch some Meok Bang live streams... while eating a measly peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It's not the type of Le Cordon Bleu appetizers they must serve at Dailymotion... but, hey, it still goes great with a cold glass of milk.

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