Soccer, as with any youth sport, starts out as a means to get children out of the house, involved with friends and most importantly having fun!  Athletics also teach children how to interact with others , be good sports while competing on a field or pitch. 

As children grow, some give it up and others gain the true love of the game.  The level of competition rises and fight to be the best burns inside. 

The glory of the game comes with the scoring of a goal - everyone dreams about it!  At an early age the goal scorers stand-out amongst the crowd but as athletes mature the playing field evens out.  Kids gets bigger, faster and compete harder.  To keep the edge and the ability to be the star is not what happens on the pitch however it's what happens the other 23 hours a day, seven days a week -- the preparation. 

Similar to most aspects in life, success comes in the details - the preparation, training, repetition of drills, nutrition and fitness - all very boring to the average athlete however critical to long-term success.  Those who dedicate themselves to living in the trenches, mastering the details, and doing the little things will rise to the top. 

The goal scored to win the big game is a culmination of multiple disciplines and a beautiful web of integration.  Learning how the web is woven and why the web is necessary is important not only for success on the field but applies to life in general - if you master the drills and prepare yourself and your body for competition, you will succeed.  

Matt Smith is a North American Soccer star who needed to figure out the solution on his own in order to succeed on the highest level.  All coaches and trainers have "their way" but Matt has sifted through all the traditional methods and built a web comprised of the best elements to apply to all Soccer players to help them master the game on a simple level translating to success on a competitive level. 

Whether you strive to become a world class soccer player or simply content with being the best you can possibly be, the approach is the same.  What started as a means to promote engagement and fun translates to learning the essence of how to succeed on the pitch and life. You may not agree with every approach and execution but understanding the end goal will help you establish a path and set appropriate goals. 

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