Certainly no publication in the historical past has ever been brazen enough to forecast the long term future to the degree the Bible has, without having been proved incorrect. Over three hundred direct prophecies pertaining to the birth and life of Jesus were made, and these were predicted two thousand years before he ever came. Let's look at a few of these prophecies.

Micah chapter five, verse two tells us that Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem and Luke chapter two; verse 4 tells us that is exactly where he was born. Genesis chapter forty-nine, verse 10 states Jesus was to be born of tribe of Judah and in Matthew chapter three, verse three, this transpired.

 In Isaiah chapter fifty three verse three it is prophesied that he would be rejected by his own and in John, chapter one, verse eleven this came true. Isaiah chapter 53 verse seven it is predicted that Jesus would stand silent before his accusers and this is fulfilled in Mark fifteen five.       

Isaiah, in chapter 7, verse 14 tells us Jesus would be born of a virgin. This was fulfilled in Luke, chapter 1, verse 7. In the book of Zechariah, chapter nine, we are told that he would ride into Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey and this came about in Matthew chapter twenty one. We celebrate this great event on what we call Psalm Sunday.

Psalms, chapter twenty two verse 18 points out that when Jesus was crucified lots would be cast for His robe and this is exactly what happened   in John, Chapter nineteen, verse twenty three.

It was also predicted in Psalms, chapter twenty 22, that his hands and feet would be pierced, and Psalms twenty two was written hundreds of  years before death by crucifixion had ever been thought of, yet this happened.

Psalms twenty two has several predictions in it for it also tells us that as Jesus hung on the cross, he would cry out,"my God, my God, why have you forsaken me, and Matthew, Chapter twenty seven, verse forty six tells us that he did cry out this statement. here

These are just a few of the prophecies made in the Old Testament about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, yet everyone of them came true and if we were to look up every prediction made in the Old Testament about the life ,death and the resurrection of Jesus, we would find that all of them have been fulfilled except the ones concerning his second coming.

Some who doubt say, "this surely is the most impressive happenstance of facts, "yet a man by the name Dr. Charles Ryrie tells us that this kind of accuracy where predictions are concerned, according to the rules of chance would need two hundred billion earths, with every one them inhabited by four billion individuals, just to find one particular person that could get one hundred prophecies correct and not have any glitches in their order. However, in the coming of Jesus by itself there were three hundred prophecies made and fulfilled, not just a hundred.

Let's put it this way, if we were to cover the Texas with two feet of quarters and on the front of one of them mark it  with an X. Then parachute a person in, allowing this person to bail out wherever they choose to over the state of Texas, Now cover this person's eyes, and request him or her to locate the quarter that has the X on it. This happens to be the exact possibility of merely eight of the Bible's prophecies coming true by chance! So when the Bible predicts good things, they happen, and when it predicts bad thing are going to happen as well, they do, but all in God's time!

Source : articlesbase.com


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