Getting an authentic Betsey Johnson bag through an online dealer can be a risky venture. There are a bounty of companies that are out there that promise to deliver a real bag made by this popular designer along with several of the other very popular handbag designers out there. However, if you are not careful, you can end up getting a bag that is considered to be a knock-off of the actual brand.

There are a large amount of retailers that have perfected the method of copying all types of expensive handbags and other items to make them look very similar to the original. Someone who is not familiar with the brand may be able to be fooled by one of these fakes. But, if you are looking for the real deal, you have to be careful where you get your Betsey Johnson bag from.

The first thing you do when searching for a Betsey Johnson bag is type the name of the designer into your search engine. There are going to be hundreds if not thousands of results that get returned to you for this product. Now, it is up to you to sort through which of the suppliers are supplying the real product and which ones are selling the fakes.

Chances are the results that are near the top are going to be more reputable. These sites are the ones that are considered to be the most popular and most visited. People who have purchased or searched for designer handbags before you are also going to be looking for the real thing. You can start by visiting a few of the web pages near the top to see if they have what you are looking for.

Next, browse through the site that you have chosen and see what that specific company has for an authenticity guarantee. Here you will find all the information you are looking for about the bags available, where they come from, and how you can be sure that they are real. Many bags are bought in bulk from retail stores or outlet centers and that is how the company can offer the discounted rate.

Within the authenticity guarantee you should be able to locate a clause of what happens if you do get a bag that you feel is not authentic. Many reputable companies will offer you your money back if you are not satisfied with the Betsey Johnson bag or other brand name handbag or accessory that you have purchased. This way, you can shop without worry of the product you are going to receive.

When you are satisfied with the authenticity guarantee and you feel it is a trustworthy site based off the popularity and any reviews you can locate, it is time to go shopping. Go through the search engine or check for the specific Betsey Johnson bag you want to add to your collection.

There are various styles, colors, and sizes of this brand of handbag available. Match one for a specific outfit or find one that you will be happy with carrying every day. When you are worried about the cost of the bag, be sure to explore a few different sites so that you can compare prices. Just like all retail companies, there are going to be some out there that supply the same exact product at a lower price.

Before purchasing your next designer Betsey Johnson bag it is essential that you do your research. You do not want to get stuck with a knock-off of the product when you are expecting to get an original product. There are an abundance of companies out there that offer the high-quality product you are searching for at the discounted prices you can afford.


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