Lal Kitab astrology is a Vedic astrology that has a modern outlook into solving personal and professional problems of human beings. Remedies are also available for getting promotions in one's workplace, through removal of the obstacles. To achieve this, the Lal Kitab remedies have to be followed in a dedicated manner.

There are times in everybody's lives when things don't take the right turn resulting in failures and disappointments. This is true in one's job life as well. One of the key aspects of success is promotion in the workplace. A promotion would mean that one has achieved success in one's profession and hence been awarded with an up gradation of his position and power in the organization where they work. So what happens when a promotion is not achieved even after one works effectively and tries his best?The disappointment arises which often leads to depression and frustration among the individuals. It is in such situations that Lal Kitab Remedies for Promotions can have the best solutions to one's problem. One needs to be completely devoted to these remedies which a Lal Kitab astrologer would provide on consultation. Some of the best remedies that have been found to be extremely effective for promotions have been given below.Understanding the influence of Saturn – Getting the right job and success in it are largely dependent on the position and influence of Saturn, as has been explained by Lal Kitab astrology. Thus, it is essential to satisfy Lord Saturn to overcome one's problems related to career and promotions in their workplace.

Offering banana – Chances of achieving a promotion in the workplace are believed to increase with offering of a banana to a cow on every Thursday.Offering cereals – Promotions can also be achieved by offering seven cereals - Urad Daal, Whole Green Gram or Whole Moong Daal, Wheat, Kaale Chane, Barley Grain or Jau, Rice, and Bajra to birds. According to the astrology, this offering helps an individual to overcome the obstacles and challenges in their job. Offering water with jaggery and flowers – Another remedy for promotion is offering water along with jaggery and yellow flowers to Lord Sun in the morning for 11 days and while doing this one also needs to recite the Gayatri Mantra for 108 times. Offering Abhimantrit Gomti Chakra – 21 Abhimantrit Gomti Chakra needs to be offered to Lord Shiva on Monday. Lord Shiva also needs to be served with pure water.

Food for handicapped people – Serving the handicapped people with food or money also removes obstacles, particularly in clerical jobs. All these remedies, as suggested by Lal Kitab, if followed in a dedicated manner, can help individuals to obtain promotions in their jobs.

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