People, over the period of time, have come to know about numerous benefits that tea has. Having different types of teas during the period of a day actually helps human health a lot in different possible ways. If you have access to green tea, it is good to have it at least 4 to 5 times a day. Only then, the benefits of this particular magic potion can be felt and understood. It is around 4000 years back when the Chinese monarchy first felt the beneficial effect of green tea in human body and the emperor there during the time called Shennong used to have this particular variety of tea every day.

 Though this particular variant of tea was first used in China for consumption, later on, people in many other Asian nations started associating themselves with this particular variant. Many researchers, who have been working on the benefits of this tea, agree on the fact that this particular beverage is undoubtedly the healthiest drink available on earth. According to some nutritionists, Catechins is the element that makes green tea so special among tea connoisseur people who are health conscious too. The green tea leaves require very little amount of processing which retains that particular element in them.

Catechins are quite effective antioxidants, used for preventing cell damage and premature aging caused by that. This is found to be only one of the many benefits offered by this tea. Consuming green tea every day lowers down the cholesterol level and also improves blood flow inside the arteries. As a result, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure can be prevented effectively. Researchers have also shown great result of its consumption that has reflected from its effect on brain. A survey has proved that people consuming this particular tea has offered several benefits to the working process of human brain. Increased efficiency of the working memory of people drinking green tea says it out loud. With  the growing problem of Alzheimer's in America and all around the world, the necessity of the ability of this particular tea has become quite important. It is believed that drinking green tea checks the production of certain specific kinds of plaques that are often instrumental in causing Alzheimer's.

As diabetes is among the fastest growing health problems on earth, researches are on to find out the elements that can fight diabetes effectively. Catechins present in this tea play a very important role in lowering down blood pressure and cholesterol. It protects a diabetes patient from the damages caused by consuming food that contain high level of fat. This way, even his blood sugar level remains under control.

The industry responsible for helping people in shedding the extra kilos that offer no benefit to their health but making their entire existence quite a burden to themselves resort to this particular healthy element at large. In fact, replacing a cola with a cup of green tea can help a person staying away from at least 50,000 calories over the year.

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