The face is the reflection of the soul and the first thing that any other human being sees first before any other part in the body.  There can be many reasons, owing to which, the emergence of acne may be caused.  Levels of stress changes and hormonal imbalances are considered to be the two major possibilities. Unlike what many people may think, acne is not just for the teens and adults may also have it.

The statistical figure shows about 70% of the people having acne is aged between 18-30 years of age. Being one of the most common skin disorders, almost more than 30% of the people have the record of visiting Dermatorlogist for seeking solutions to this issue.

A bad diet or illness may also lead to this unwanted problem. But it can in no way be the root cause. Acne is majorly known  to have been caused by abnormal hyperactive secretion of androgen hormone. This section forth comes with puberty and is responsible for the aggravated sexual drive, initiating the sebaceous glands to produce even more facial oil than normal course , bring back the skin cells to the surface and causing formation of white heads due to the clogging.

Gradually these whiteheads are seen to have transformed into black tips and inflamed reddish pimples. And at times, propioninbacteriumacnes multiply to the formation of  red pimples, which had transformed to form bigger acnes, pain, itching and irritation.

Treatment Options:

There are varied things which can be used as medications or preventive measures to keep you 'acne worry' at bay, atleast as far as it can stay under control. Some of the steps which can help you soothe your skin during this course of the problem are as follows:

  • Wash your face not more than twice.
  • Use warm or cool water and  a gentle facial cleanser.
  • Use a cleansing brush, baby washcloth for 30 seconds for effective freshness.
  • Pat your skin until completely dry.

 Cosmetic and plastic surgeons are the ones involved with treating acne, though there are a few very effective Modern procedures to treat the acne:

  • Laser Skin Resurfacing- A device is used which emits amplified light of high energy that vaporizes a scarred layer, allowing the initiation of the growth of the new cells.
  • Micro-Dermabrasion- The top portion of the scar is scrapped in a gentle way by tiny particles and cleaned with a vacuum tube. Patients with mild scars are applicable for this process. Though for best outcome multiple sessions can be used.
  • Dermabrasion- Sanding of the upper skin layer mechanically to allow new formation of the skin, offering a rejuvenated  appearance.
  • Chemical Peels- Peels are applied  to the affected area and mainly meant for achieving an even tone.

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