Bathroom Troubles

An obstetrician in St. Louis, Missouri, spent several minutes urging a woman to get off the toilet and get back into bed to deliver her baby. The woman insisted that she needed to go to the bathroom. Finally, her OB-GYN was able to convince her that labor often feels like the need to go to the bathroom. The woman was lunging toward the delivery bed when the baby started to come out of her. Her doctor was able to slide under her like a mechanic working under a car and catch the baby on a pillow.

Fainting Father

When a minister watched his wife deliver their first child, he fainted and hit the floor pretty hard. So when he returned for their second child, the doctor had a chair ready for him. Unfortunately, he passed out again. When he did, he missed the chair and hit the floor again. When he returned for their third child's delivery, the nursing staff prepared linens and pillows to catch him. When he felt like he was going to pass out, he got down on his hands and knees. When his child was born, he yelled "hallelujah" to the nursing staff.

Shock and Awe

A father of 5 daughters was preparing to meet his sixth little girl. Much to their surprise, the baby was actually a little boy. When the father found out, he was in so much shock that he grabbed the oxygen mask right off of his wife's face to keep himself from passing out.

Belly Laughs

After receiving an epidural, a woman couldn't feel the contractions and wasn't sure how to push the baby out. A nurse was talking her through it and trying to show her how she could push the baby out. In the process, she passed gas loudly. The woman ended up laughing so hard, the baby came right out.

Wedding Labor

On their way to their wedding, a woman went into labor with their first child. The couple was so upset that they wouldn't be married when their child came, so the nurse called the hospital chaplain to do the job for them. The obstetrician became the best man, and the nurse was the maid of honor. Ten minutes after the ceremony, the couple welcomed a baby girl.

Bungee Cord Baby

One woman was in active labor when she arrived at the hospital. They offered her a wheelchair to bring her to the delivery room. When they wheeled her into the delivery room, the woman stood up and her baby slid right out of her. The nurses recalled that the baby was dangling from its mother by the umbilical cord, so they quickly grabbed the baby and had the father cut the cord.

Baby Grip

As the obstetrician went to deliver one mother, they realized that the baby had slid its hand up by its ear. When they went to fix the baby's positioning, the baby grabbed the doctor's hand and wouldn't let go. The doctor had to deliver the baby that way to get the baby to release its grip.

You never know what will happen at the Reno pregnancy center when a mother is waiting to give birth. From exciting stories to the ones that make you laugh out loud, obstetricians and nurses have just about seen and heard it all.   

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