Despite the immense benefits of using tarps to cover your infield, they are widely under-used in the industry and their significance is highly underestimated. The purchase of these tarps may involve a substantial upfront investment, but it is one that offers worthwhile returns. After all, the cost to rehab a baseball or softball field is much more than the cost of a single layer of protection.

Why Are They So Important?

As their name implies, these units are designed to cover the infield area only, not the entire field. They are specifically designed to keep that critical area dry during inclement weather such as during rain, snow, hail, etc. By keeping the ground dry, you can help ensure better footing for players on skinned and grass areas as well. While they are a protector, they are only meant for short-term use and cannot be placed over a field for months at a time. Just some of the main reasons fields use them include:

  • They preserve dirt and grass, making it easier to prepare a field after a storm.
  • They protect the turf during the winter and prevent materials from falling into the turf edge.
  • They help protect the field mid-game, so that when poor weather passes, the game can resume quickly.

Tips for Using Infield Tarps

These protectors are only as good as the way they are used. When used improperly, they will not offer your field the protection you had hoped. To ensure you get the most out of your investment, make sure to:

  • Stake It Down - At the grommets or by using weights, the sheet should be affixed into place to prevent wind damage and to keep the field sealed. High wind can lift a cover and damage it beyond repair, while exposing the infield to the elements as well.
  • Get Help - Covers are not meant to be installed by a single person; instead, they require multiple individuals to pull them across the field. Pulling the cover at just one or two handle locations can stress it and cause tears. Also, the average 170-foot unit weighs about 1200 pounds, so it's not something very light and easy to lift alone.
  • Take Care of Tears - If ever you notice a tear, fix it right away with repair tape. Leaving a tear will allow it to enlarge, making the repairs costlier and more difficult, if not impossible.
  • Cover When Not in Use - Tarps are meant for outdoor use, but they still must be protected when they are not being used. To further extend the life of your tarp, you should consider buying a tarp storage cover which will protect it from exposure to ultraviolet rays when it is not in use.

Infield tarps are something every league, recreation center and school should own. With proper care, they can last your league several years and help protect your field for even longer.

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