People often compare the organic regime with fad. It says, the glitters of organic word are affecting those who follow the latest trend. Most of the time, the word organic generates the attention for its high cost products and premium customers. However, calling organic coffee as just a fad is definitely not a proper justice with the product.

Organic coffee is produced by using substances that are non-toxic, or do not aid by any chemical substance. The soil is free of fertilizers and only manure is used for the cultivation. It is known that the use of agrochemicals on the coffee plant affects the whole crop. Although, during high roasting many pesticides are eliminated automatically, yet the adverse effect of pesticides on the environment and the farmers cannot be neglected.

According to estimation, over 26 million people from 52 countries are involved in the coffee business directly or indirectly. It is irony, that organic coffee has only 6.6% market share of all kind of harvested coffee globally.

Health effects of organic coffee:

Coffee is a great source of antioxidant that helps to decrease the oxidative stress in the body. The result is less risk of perilous diseases like cancer. A regular consumption of coffee also helps to reduce the inflammation in the body. If one takes coffee after a meal, it is much effective in the treatment of diabetics and help to lower the level of blood sugar. Although, there is not much difference in the normal coffee and organic coffee, but apart from good health benefits, organic coffee tends to have multiple environmental benefits as well.

Environmental effects of organic coffee:

The farming of conventional coffee beans has a greater dependency on the pesticides. These pesticides do not only kill pest on the coffee plants, but its residue is harmful to the environment. The irrigation system helps to increase the reach of pesticides to soil and internal water resources from where it reaches to the life cycle of the ecosystem and affects dangerously to the whole environment including decreasing the fertility of the soil.

The habit of consuming Organic Food and Beverage  instead of conventional one is indeed healthy and maintains the holistic approach of a healthy body and pure environment. Although, the market of organic coffee need a higher pace, yet the awareness of people regarding the Benefits of Organic Products will definitely work for organic coffee as well in near future. 

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