Animation if not done in the right manner is sure to harm the platform on which it is placed. Thus it is very important that while puting your creative ideas into action, you do not end up doing mistakes which will drive away your audience. Here are some of the most common yet serious animation mistakes that one must avoid.

  • Ignoring proper research

Yes, you read it right. Many animators fail in this critical aspect. Research is important as it helps you in getting a clear picture on whether to move forward with your animation story or not. This way you will be sure that your idea is actually as unique as you have thought it to be and also you can predict what kind of response it will garner.

This awareness of the response which your animation will garner will help you to understand the requirement of your target audience.Thus do your homework before moving forward with the animation work.

  • Lack of real world actions

Every successful animation has one feature in common – it mimics the real world action very well. Thus it is highly recommended that you observe the movements of characters you wish to replicate before you animate them. If you fail in this process then your animation will not strike the right chord with your audience.

On the other hand mimicing the real world in the right manner will make your animation more appealing and get wider viewership.

  • No references and consistent style in the animation

One of the most common yet serious mistakes is to fall for impulsive animation with no proper referencing. The mantra of a good animation is very simple – every action and every gesture needs a reference, no matter how trivial you might find it. Back this up with consistency in your presentation style, and you are half way through.

A consistent style is the result of placing all the details together in such a way that a unified look is created. Thus lack of consistency and regular referenicng are the pitfalls that you need to avoid in your animation projects.

  • Add fluidity to the appearance

Along with a great storyline and references, it is important that your animated characters are fluid in texture. You do not want your audience to see the sharp, choppy or awkward movements of your characters.

Thus take all the necessary steps needed to smooth out the actions of your characters so that they look smooth and fluid on the screen and make a much better impact on your audience.

  • Proper planning

Proper planning is the soul of any project. Sadly this is one aspect which is ignored by many animators. Once you have planned out each and every scene of your animation, it becomes not only easy to execute it, but there are also high chances that you will not make those minor mistakes which usually creep into the work due to lack of planning.

Thus it is always adviced that you spend a fair amount of your time planning the project with giving due attention to the minute details.

These are some of the mistakes which if committed will cost you heavily. For more information on animation and related courses visit or call at +91 99166 45682.

Wiztoonz is the best animation academy in India and helps you build a great career in the area of animation and multimedia.


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