Also, it is evident that if one is pursuing a post-graduate degree then he/she is a person of acquired age. So, with age come responsibilities and obligations. No longer can one complain like a high-schooler when it comes to course-related stress. Also, many get enrolled in the lucrative curriculum simply imagining the perks that come along with it. But fail to realize that not everyone is cut out for the stress and responsibilities that come with the course. You may have come across some stories hanging about of former students turning berserk imploding with the pressures of the course. Although they may be slightly exaggerated, but a few of them are probably true.

Now that I have instilled sheer panic and despair into your hearts; let me tell you that dealing with stress is achievable. And while some MBA nutjobs may lurk around but most MBAs preserve their sanity (like I did). Read on to know how dealt with my MBA stress despite having an intensive curriculum, 10 page assignments and mind-numbing semesters.

Firstly, do not isolate yourself when in stress. Many students take to this path when pressure hits the roof. It helps to talk about it rather than shying away from your classmates. Do not be fooled by their apparently happy faces, they are in the same ordeal that you are and working together can help out both of you. Seeking isolation when worried can have catastrophic implications. Loneliness only fans despair and depression.

Secondly, take care of your health and well-being. Ignoring your health will only make matters worse. Imagining failing your exams by being taken seriously ill! Also, health problems further add to stress and anxiety. Stay away from junk foods and never miss a meal. Sleep full 8-9 hours and if you can't, seek medical help to nip the problem in bud. Stay away from smoking and alcohol, being drunk never solved the biggest problems in the world. Being active and alive did.

Thirdly, do not compare yourself with others. Have you ever wondered how many of the world's greatest leaders, scientists and entrepreneurs scored straight A's in their class? Not even 10%. Only because your friend gets straight A's does not imply you are worthless and will never be able to succeed in life.

Lastly, keep the negativity meter in check. Simply because your deadline is looming around the corner and you still have 12 pages to write does not necessarily mean your world will crumble upon you. Keep the sails of optimism high, no one was ever rewarded for their negativity, but instead positivity has its perks.

In conclusion, you are working hard to make yourself happy, to be able to maintain your physical and mental health. So next time you have those dark, stressful nights remember it's all about you and not your pay-check.

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