This can also enhance your beauty! Yes, you heard it right. It actually beautifies your skin, but how? Ever heard of a chocolate facial? It can actually enhance your skin by beautifying it and removing the pollution and dirt strains from your face.

There are chocolate creams, pastes and scrubbers that help in making the skin smoother. These are made of smooth creamy texture with a rich fragrance of chocolate, which removes tan from your face. As a result, it glows. Chocolates are good for de-tanning process and are thus the most favourable type of facial during summers.

Why apply chocolates instead of eating it?

The answer is very simple. Actually, there is more than one reason that one should go for a chocolate facial.

  • Chocolates are high in antioxidants and full of anti ageing properties. Thus, it helps to keep the skin young.
  • The moisturizer present in it makes a skin glow.
  • The high amount of collagen present in chocolates helps in lighting the blemishes and also reduces pimples and acnes.
  • The smooth texture of chocolates helps to keep the skin lively and softens it. It reduces the fine lines and wrinkles.
  • The most astonishing benefit of chocolate is that it suits all skin types. This rejuvenates a lot after a long tiring week.

How to use it?

Applying a chocolate facial at home is not a very difficult task. First you have to cleanse your face properly. Be careful about the ingredients you choose while cleansing. If you have an oily skin, use some gel based cleanser to remove the impurities. Rose water can also be a good option for you. If you have a normal skin, then go for a mixture of turmeric and honey. But, if you own a dry skin, then milk is the best option for you. You can mix gram flour with milk and use as a cleanser.

After that, you can go to the next step, which is scrubbing. Brown sugar and coffee beans are very good scrub ingredients. You can apply it for ten minutes on your face and then rub it clockwise slowly for some more time. Then wash your face and wipe it of cleanly.

Finally, you apply the chocolate paste on your face. Make sure that the paste is evenly applied on every part of your face. Avoid eyes and skins around it as they are very sensible. Keep it for 20 minutes and then wash it with cold water. Pat your skin dry.

Chocolate facial is one good experience one can have any time at home. They are refreshingly good. Along with sending chocolates by post, one can also try and gift a chocolate facial kit to someone. This will make them happy, and it is really a beneficial thing. After a long and tiring week, it brings life to your face.

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