Gum diseases also known as periodontal disease occurs when food particles get caught between teeth & bacteria causes infection in the gums. Gum disease is a serious problem affecting millions of people every year . Identifying the causes of periodontal disease saves time and money at the same time.

Symptoms of gum disease

  • Gum disease may start from a small pain or sensitivity in the gums.

  • Painful and bleeding gums

  • Tooth loss because the gum loses its strength

  • Flossing and brushing gets hard because the gums bleed

  • Sores in the mouth

  • Swelling of gums

  • Halitosis (bad breath)

  • Gingival margin is red and swollen

  • Gingival (gums) bleed easily upon tooth brushing

  • The teeth or gingivae may be painful

Causes of periodontal diseases

Periodontal disease is caused by improper oral care. Our oral hygiene , general health and wellbeing also suffers when you are careless about it.

Who generally can get gum diseases?

On an average people typically don't show gum diseases sign until they are well into their 30s or early 40s.Men are more likely to develop gum diseases as compared to women. In the majority of cases, gum disease will only develop when plaque and tartar are allowed to accumulate under and along your gum line.

Treatment of Gum (Periodontal) Disease

The purpose of periodontal treatment is to control the infection . Although methods and types may vary based upon the scope of your gum disease. A professional dentist can give you better treatment and recommend you certain behavioral changes like quitting smoking to enhance your treatment outcome.

Here are some of the recommended treatments of Gum diseases

Deep Cleaning

The dental specialist uproots the plaque aggregation utilizing a deep cleaning method known as scaling or root planning which rub off the tartar and helps in evacuating microorganisms responsible for gum diseases. In few cases, a laser could be utilized in evacuating the tartar and plaque. This present day strategy results in minimized bleeding, swelling and general distress.

Gum lift Surgery

Prescriptions could likewise be utilized with treatments that include root arranging and scaling, in spite of the fact that these can't generally be utilized as a substitute to gum lift surgery . In light of the sickness movement, the periodontist might propose surgical management, either through flap surgery or bone joining.

Prevention and precautions

There are lot of ways to prevent gum disease.

  • Eat a solid eating routine. Try to lessen the intake of sugary food and drinks. They are truly hurtful for the teeth and oral wellbeing.

  • Cut down or quit smoking. This will benefit oral health and general overall wellbeing.

  • Brush and floss regularly after each meal or at least twice a day.

  • Visit the dentist regularly, 6 monthly is generally recommended, as this is the best option.

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