Ukraine is located in the heart of Europe and no one can disagree that there are many reasons to live here on a permanent basis and don't regret about it. So despite the fact that the country is considered one of the "emigrant's" nations in Europe, you can find successful and respectful foreigners, for whom Ukraine has become a second home. We talked to the "ukrainian foreigners" who have been granted citizenship in Ukraine and they shared their experience.


What attracted you in Ukraine and why You want to become a citizen?

I was personally attracted by the prospects of Ukraine's accession to the EU, modern democratic reforms, investment in country by western businessmen. Victory is obvious: success in the agricultural sector, international politics, the opening of a free trade zone with the EU. I want to add that there are many possibilities, just everyone should  realize his (her) important participation and effort. Only then we can expect an overall positive result.

I also could mention that people are very friendly and pleasant in communication. Here you can find good friends and not worry about something collapsed. Support is on the face and I am very happy. To tell the truth specialists of UKRGOSRESURS were very helpful in obtaining the citizenship of Ukraine.

                                                                                                             Jasper, 38 years old


What do you like the most and what is the influence on you observe?


I arrived here as a student and it was a little bit difficult to adapt, but the attitude of people was pleased and comfortable. I could learn, build relationships and career, realize plans that were created here. Now I feel happy and can confidently recommend the country as a good place for permanent residence, travel, nice people and highly skilled labor force. It is worth to notice that the mental capacity of Ukrainians is very high and there is much to learn from them.

                                                                                                               Abbas, 25 years


Why Ukraine? What attracted You when decide to move here and live?


First there were some fears, but when I came to my sister and stayed, we got used to it and fell in love with her beauty, sincerity and friendliness of the people, freedom in all manifestations. For me personally the last is very important. Studying at the university was inexpensive and interesting. Besides I had enough time to travel. The ability to get a job was not difficult too. Friends are always responsive and help in any problem. Frankly speaking I can say that Ukraine is a country for proactive people.

Nowadays young people are more intelligent. They are globally thinking and they can clearly see goals and achieve them.

                                                                                                               Andrea, 22 years old

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