There could be many reasons for a gap on your CV, and each gap will require its own reasons. There are ways and means by which you can minimize the impact of any gap, and help prove to a prospective employer that your period out of work is not a concern. These Gaps are not uncommon, sometimes even several years gap also visible in some CVs. But it all depends on how you explain them.

It is better not to explain in detail the gaps on your CV.  The detailed explanation can be given in the covering letter or at the time of interview where you will be asked to elaborate the reasons for the gaps. Honest and clever answers will be enough to make the prospective employers overlook the gaps and treat them as a non-issue. Employers care about the gaps only when they seem to cast a doubt on your commitment to work.  If you can dispel this doubt then you can easily overcome the problem.

How to explain a big gap on your resume:
  • If you or someone in your family were seriously ill, or you lost a loved one — don't get into great detail about these reasons. One or two sentences on your resume about what happened are long enough. Usually, employers are very considerate of this type of gap.
  • If you were planning to start a family or adopting a child — a sentence on your resume explaining a pregnancy or adoption is enough explanation.
  • If you did volunteer work during your time off —volunteer work is real work expertise which will influence several employers. It is a cause to urge professional references for your work and it would even cause a permanent paid position. You might want to reach out and link with people acquainted with the organization you volunteered with that would recognize your experience and maybe know of relevant jobs.
  • Explain how you keep your skills renewed — point out positive things you did during the gap to increase your skills such as reading, education or correspondence training courses you participated in.

 Be Honest - Above all, be honest about you career experience and never manipulate dates. Provide solid references of people whom your employers can contact for confirmation if required.

Caution - Never share excessive personal data on your resume or in an interview. Always keep the focus on the positive features of your work history.

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