As companies across the globe are developing content, readers have a number of choices. People currently search for and basically demand content that gets them involved, making a more personalized and unforgettable experience. The race on the web is increasing on the trot and it will impel Content Marketing Agencies and marketers across the globe to think differently. They have to bring creative content to grab the attention easily.

The year 2015 became the part of history, and the year 2016 is progressing. It is the time to predict which content marketing tactics will dominate in 2016 and which all will fail.

Hence, if you have the quest to know, don't worry. This blog gives you the ground-breaking and imminent trends in the sphere of content that will help you to make a mark in the highly volatile marketplace.

Interactive Storytelling

Storytelling forces users to change their mindset. And this understanding is impelling numerous marketers to articulate stories using interactive content. The usage of interactive content will pave the way for expressing something in a different way. Interactive storytelling is gradually captivating in the limelight in content marketing; it could mean that, soon, interactive storytelling will be the standard, instead of the exclusion.

Episodic Content 

It was one of the great successes among businesses and marketers in 2015. The fame was urged by big brands comprising episodic content in their content marketing.  Coca Cola's Crossroad series is an apt case of episodic content that had stolen the hearts of a large number of audiences. No doubt, the episodic and series-based content will be the utmost influential tools to involve and keep amuse audiences in the years to come also. Not a single person will have different opinion on the statement "in 2016 also more episodic content will be published in storytelling method, as it has many advantages.

Social Media

Social media is the linchpin of marketing plans. It will retain its prominence in the New Year- 2016 as well. Conversely, as time progress, marketers will go beyond the normal Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn trinity to push, hand out and endorse their content. So, marketers will take into consideration not well known networks like Periscope and Meerkat to promote their content. In 2016 also Instagram and Snapchat will continue their significance, as marketers couldn't make use of both of them in the yesteryear.

Visual Content

Last year was the year of Visual Contents. Marketers who leverage visual content are successfully able to acquire traffic, improve social media engagement, increase visitor-to-lead conversion rates and upsurge inbound client attainment results. Hence this year also large numbers of visual contents will be published.

User-Generated Content 

It is a well-known fact that user-generated content is on the brinks of becoming the vital part of content marketing. Many businesses are now consuming user-generated content in their websites, social media posts and advertisements. User generated content will be in the front position in 2016 too.

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