8 Strategies to Develop a Social Media Marketing Plan


Part 1: Design of page

1) Profiles to be completely filled

2) About section to be updated with summary of services. May include links to services if available.

3) Header/ Timeline images to be updated. Preferably a collage showcasing services. May also include certification logos.

4) Since 'high value' visitors will be prospective clients, the timeline image/about section should convey the appropriate services you offer so as to capture the interest of the visitor.

5) Consistent visual aspects of the timeline images of the different social media are preferable because it will convey cohesiveness.

6) Activate timeline CTA on Facebook Page to "Contact Us", "Watch Video", etc.

7) Add photos/videos and reviews. Request clients to add reviews on the page.


Part 2: Competitor Activity

 1) Investigate what activities are on competitor's social media pages.

2) Take best practices from competitor pages and implement strategies accordingly.


Part 3: Posting Strategy:

 1) Content to showcase you as an expert in your field

2) Portfolio examples and success stories to be shared.

3) Post content - Preferably include visual content E.g. Text with stock image / Custom infographic which generates more engagement than plain text posts. Videos should be used if available.

4) Include trending hashtags (using tools like trendsmap) and relevant hashtags for better reach.  

5) Follow relevant hashtag feeds like #smm to identify potential companies requiring services you can offer

6) Posts to also include a CTA and relevant link to website as far as possible

7) For the purpose of variety, industry updates/news relevant to the functions and links to permitted 3rd party websites be shared. Variety updates can be in the ratio of 1 in 5.

8) Can also retweet/repin/share relevant social media updates

9) Respond to communication received over social media.

10) Share website articles using social sharing buttons. Include blog articles in LinkedIn Pulse.


Part 4: Posting Frequency:

 1) Frequency may be impacted by content/updates available. At this time, recommended frequencies are:

2) Facebook: 2 times a day

3) LinkedIn: 1 time a day

4) Twitter: 3 times a day

5) Google+: 3 times a day


Part 5: Social Media Search:

 1) Identify search themes and about 20 keywords to consistently search social media with. E.g. search can be conducted to identify potential clients using keywords like "social media marketing companies" etc. and filter for specific countries/industries etc.

2) Finalize most effective search keywords per function

3) Connect to prospective clients thru social media.

4) Use a high converting email to message to prospect the advantages of our services.


Part 6: Periodic Analysis

 1) Use tools such as Facebook insights to measure engagement and obtain feedback on better performing posts. E.g. Page likes, Post Reach & Engagement (Likes/Comments/Shares) can be measured and per analysis trends can be obtained to generate sufficient feedback on what posts perform better.

2) Check Google Analytics to judge social activity

3) Reassess strategy based on periodic feedback every 15 days.


Part 7: Automation

 1) Tools such as Buffer & Hootsuite can be used to create/schedule posts in advance for multiple social media.

2) Free and Paid versions available. To begin with you can use the free version.


Part 8: Sponsored Ads

 1) Advertising campaigns for website clicks/conversions/remarketing/ post promotions/page likes etc. can be implemented post 1 month based on feedback on social activity and estimation of expected returns.

Source : articlesbase.com


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