In IT sphere, a lot of different principles and techniques are applied during every stage of the software development lifecycle. They help to make the development and testing procedures be more flexible and effective.

Scrum is one of such an agile methodology. It hastens the process of product development and software testing procedure. Scrum has several specific characteristics.

What Are Scrum Main Features?
  • It combines two approaches: complex and flexible.
  • The process includes three parties: product owner, Scrum master and development and testing team.
  • The methodology requires an effective communication and productive collaboration between all stakeholders of the development process.

Scrum master is an irreplaceable member of the development process who provides an effective adoption of the agile software development methodology. This person can be called the interlink between marketing and development departments.

An inevitable part of everyday life of the team members are the stand-up meetings. They take place every day with the aim of keeping the stakeholders informed about the status of the development and testing procedures.

What Are the Core Aspects of the Daily Meeting?
  • The scope of work what has already be done.
  • The work plan for a present day.
  • The possible difficulties.

The discussion of these factors helps to realize the real state of affairs and to define further actions and steps of the development process. The exchange of information may prevent the occurrence of problems.

The communication should be effective on every stage of software development lifecycle. For example, it is impossible to perform usability testing or functional testing of a high quality without sharing the obtained results and known facts. The same situation is with the development procedure.

The scrum master enables the team to work as a single entity. It is rather difficult to become a really good scrum master. This person should have some particular qualities.

What Are the Characteristics of a Good Scrum Master?
  • He is able to promote the resultative and effective work of the team and each its member.
  • The scrum master is always ready to help or to give a piece of advice to solve and prevent any troubles and difficulties.
  • This person is aware with the majority of scrum rules and principles. He shares these information with the members of his team. The Scrum master is a coach for the team.
  • The master is a wise time planner. He is able to determine an approximate time needed for solving this or that problem.
  • He is the source of inspiration for the team. The Scrum master knows how to motivate the specialists and how to raise the team spirit.
  • The Scrum master never over controls the team.

The team leads, PMs, QA leads should keep these mentioned characteristics in mind. These items can be used not only during the development procedure, but also during mobile testing or desktop testing.

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