Your website has been running for a while now and you're starting to notice that it's not converting well anymore or you're not getting any traffic at all. So you want to know whether to redesign your whole website or to conversion optimisation. Rather than asking yourself, consulting with your website development Sydney team is the best action especially if you're not sure yourself on what is wrong. Before doing whichever of the two, it's best to know where the problem lies.When a website is not converting then there can only be two possible solutions, to redesign or to conversion optimise.Redesigning is the most common solution most do when encountering this problem. This is in the hope that the new web design may fix the problem. Conversion optimisation is a strategy where you use information from your website to improve your conversion rates. They can either your previous sales, subscriptions, donations, phone calls or dropping into your physical store. All actions your visitors do on your website are all conversions.The Problems "within" the SolutionsRedesigning a website might not be the best solution at first. Even known websites can suffer from redesigning. Why? It is because you changed your website so much that you don't actually know where to start fixing the problem and then you end up finding a solution for your new problem. The best way is to know asses first and know where redesigning should be your decision. To simply put it, redesigning should be your last resort. So, ask assistance from your website development Sydney team before deciding. Focus on this first. Remember that most sales come from conversions to optimise it well. Focus on what can be done right now and checking whether it works or not. If, on the long run, you're still not seeing your desired results then it's time to redesign.

Why RedesignThere are many reasons warranted for a website redesign.• You have decided to change your business' direction or to rebrand.• Your team have done all optimization you can do and there are hardly any things to improve it.• Your website is no longer updated or modern• Scripts are not updated.• You don't like your website anymore. Why Focus on Conversion OptimisationIt's best to always focus on conversion optimisation and it's because this is actually the best way to improve sales and traffic on your website. Adapting to new strategies can improve your website than a complete redesign. A website with updated scripts means that your website is also mobile friendly and all links, images and other are all working. If you're not sure what works, ask help from a website development Sydney team, and let them handle all the confusing scripts and optimisation and whether it's to redesign. Don't rush on everything. Research, ask assistance and decide what the best course for your business website is.

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