Manny Pacquiao & Juan Manuel Marquez Finish Their Trio Of Fights...The two met again in 2008, when Pacquiao scored another knockdown but Marquez landed more shots than Pacquiao. Still, the Pac-man came away with a split decision.The moment of truth. Both fighters believe the question of who is the better of the two will be settled in the ring. Freddie Roach a couple of weeks prior said that he wants Manny to force Marquez to commit more with his punches, because Marquez likes to feast on Manny's aggression.While sitting here at ringside they're announcing the names of great fighters that are here. Cesar Chavez, one of the greatest Mexican fighters in history, just got a huge cheer.Buffer is announcing the celebs in the audience. Excitement is palpable. Magic Johnson just got huge applause. So did Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield.Just saw some shots of Manny on a screen overhead, warming up in the dressing room, dancing around. He looks very loose. The ring is clear, and we're all waiting for the boxers.The visuals are now popping up: great shots of Manny's knockouts. The soundtrack: a pounding drumbeat.Now we're getting clips of Marquez's many dramatic knockouts. Michael Buffer is standing in the center of the ring, looking as calm as a Buddha. Sirens are blaring to the point where you'd think you were at a disco. I think the roof is going to fly off!The lights have just come on. Buffer has calmed the crowd and has begun talking about the late Joe Frazier, who died earlier in the week.Buffer just told the story about Frazier's 1971 victory over Ali. The crowd all stood, and many bowed their heads while Mike Tyson tolled the bell 10 times. That was for Joe.Now, clips of Ali-Frazier I, are screening -when Frazier dropped Ali in the 15th round and won the heavyweight title.The color guard just came into the ring for the national anthems. An 11-year old girl will sing the anthem of the Philippines.The next anthem is that of Mexico for Marquez. There are thousands of Mexicans singingalong! There were three remarkable renditions of national anthems, all sung beautifully. Place is going berserk! Lights are out, and now waiting for the fighters. Everyone is holding their breath.

The moment of truth has almost arrived. For the entrance, photos of great fighters: Hearns,Hagler, Leonard, etc. The message is that the two fighters tonight belong in that boxing immortal category!Clips above are the appetizers, but the crowd has a voracious hunger. It doesn't need anything to wet its appetite.Clips again of Manny warming up in the dressing room again, working his left uppercut and right-hook combination. You know he's going to use that tonight.The arena is dark again. You wonder what's going on behind the brows of Pacquiao andMarquez -- how they can take all this pressure. They are champions of their nations.After all, this is not a football game. You don't have 11 people to spread the responsibilityaround. Just two men on a world stage -- with everything to win or lose. Marquez is making his way to the ring first.Marquez is coming to ring looking as if he's walking down the block. They're playing a wonderful Mexican tune. He's stepping inside the ropes while Mexican flags are waving.Mexican and Filipino flags are being waved all over. Mexicans singing. Filipinos praying.Here comes Manny to a mixture of boos and cheers. You know where the boos are coming from. The place is going wild! He hasn't entered the arena yet. "Cheers to Pacquiao!" everyone erupts. The group Survivor leads Manny out singing "Eye of the Tiger."Some champions like to make their opponents wait for a long time in the ring, but Manny doesn't do that. He's smiling and tapping his gloves to his fans' hands. He goes into the corner to say a prayer: head down and a quiet moment to himself. He has amazing powers of concentration.Buffer is making the final announcement. One of Manny's trainers is pulling on his ears. Manny is wearing blue trunks. Marquez is wearing black with a white strip."LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!"Marquez is being announced as he stretches his back. The Mexican fans are going bonkers. He has to be inspired by this. Manny is bouncing around, throwing punches as he is being introduced. He's getting his neck loosened up and blesses himself. The kneeling pose makes him appear more vulnerable. Blesses himself more.Their finally ready to go.Ref is giving instructions. No big stare down. Manny smiles! Touching gloves. Blesses himself again.Bell rings. ...In the first round, Manny's blows come so fast and then, bam, his arms back over his face as he weaves out of striking distance. But the speed of the blows makes it hard to assess what's landing and what's grazing. In the last 60 seconds, Manny shows some superb counter-punching. Manny jabs as he shakes his arms out. Marquez jabs. Looks like electricity in their bodies. Manny throws a double jab. Marquez jabs and misses with a right. A lot of nervous energy. In center ring, Marquez throws a slow hook, but Pacquiao catches it. Marquez throws a jab to the belly, while Pacquiao throws a combination.Pacquiao lands a 1-2 combination down the middle...Marquez lands a left and right uppercut to the body as Manny comes in. Pacquiao misses with a big left. He's keeping his hands high. Both miss with jabs. Pacquiao lands a left. Pacquiao's coming forward as Marquez misses with a right.Pacquiao misses with some wild shots. Marquez scores to the body. .. [Marquez, 10-9].After blessing himself. Round 2. Pacquiao is being aggressive. Marquez lands a jab. They're both feinting.Pacquiao lands a right hook -- not hard, though. Marquez misses with a big right. Pacquiao lands a left down the middle. Marquez lands a jab to the belly. Pacquiao's trying to set up that left hand,but he misses with a right hook. Marquez also misses a combination.Pacquiao feints and then lands a left to the body. Marquez is letting his right hand go, but he hasn't found the range yet. Marquez misses with a left uppercut. Marquez scores with a combination. They're opening up a little bit as Pacquiao lands a shot to the body. Pacquiao misses with a straight left. Marquez is not getting full extension with his right hand. Round could have gone either way, but Marquez is more effective: ...[10-9 Marquez].Ding-Dong. Round 3. Fight continues...Marquez lands a strong body blow. Then connects with a left? Right? I dunno. But he is fighting better than expected. Nevertheless, he's given to the odd wild roundhouse that may leave him open to Manny's incredible counters...Marquez looks strong. Pacquiao lands one to the body. Marquez backing up. Marquez lands a left uppercut. Marquez misses with an uppercut. Pacquiao jabs, on the attack, and lands a body shot. Marquez throws a hook to the body and a right to the head. Pacquiao lands a left. Marquez misses with left hook and right-hand combination. Marquez lands two jabs. Marquez feints a right and misses with a left hook. Marquez throws a combination but Pacquiao catches it and smiles. Pacquiao lands a right hook. Pacquiao lands a 1-2 combination at the end of the round....[10-9 Pacquiao].Ring-a -ding -ding. Round 4. Commencing...This is a closer fight than expected. Manny slips in a left jab and a right cross.No question, Marquez is giving Manny a better fight than Mosley. Manny's biding his time. Or waiting for the right moment. To strike. Lethally. While in the middle ring, with the fighters looking fairly cautious. Both miss with hooks.Pacquiao lands a left hand. Marquez comes forward but misses before moving to his left. Cheers are loudfor Manny, then Marquez. Marquez misses with a hook, then connects with a jab. Pacquiao lands a left to the body. They're in close range. They bump heads as they both come in. Pacquiao lands a good left down the middle. Marquez misses with a hook. Pacquiao misses with a straight left, lands a 1-2 punch. He's feinting a lot now, trying to set that left hand up. Pacquiao lands a good left and a hook, but Marquez comes right back with a good body shot. Best round for Manny so far. ... [Pacquiao, 10-9].Manny's slowly solving Marquez, like a kid piecing together a puzzle. And Manny's defensive skills are impressive.Bell rings... Round 5. Gently moving in slow motion, while scoping each other out; both fighters haven't thrown a punch now in the past 15-20 seconds. Pacquiao looks a little looser. Marquez throws body shots but Pacquiao blocks them easily. Marquez still backing up, Pacquiao jabbing. Both men are pretty cautious. Marquez lands a good left uppercut to the head, sending Pacquiao's head back. Pacquiao lands a straight left. Marquez lands a right down the middle. Pacquiao lands a jab, Marquez then lands a jab. Pacquiao lands a jab and then a left to the body. Marquez lands a great right to Pacquiao's head. Pacquiaolands a left to the head. Marquez lands a left uppercut. Pacquiao misses with a hook. Marquez lands a right to Pacquiao's head again. Crowd is screaming. Filipinos are out of their seats. The Mexicans are whooping it up. Pretty close round. "This is where all the training starts to be a factor. Not to mention the mental stamina. But Manny's been hit harder in this fight than any witness in his last two." ...[10-9 Marquez].Round starts...Round 6. Pacquiao hasn't really landed a meaningful punch yet. Pacquiao starts and throws a right hook, nevertheless, Marquez looks at it. Marquez lands a jab. Marquez lands another jab and looks like he is gaining confidence. Pacquiao lands a quick left to the head. Marquez lands a sturdy right to the body. Pacquiao lands a good left to the head and moves away. Marquez lands a right and left hook to the body. Crowd screams. Marquez lands a right hand down the middle. Pacquiao lands a pretty right hook. Marquez lands two explosive rights to Pacquiao's head and then a thundering left hook. Pacquiao lands two jabs to the head and a left to the body. Another round for Marquez... "Manny was rocked this round. Although he unleashed a jolting left and two rights 100 seconds into the round, it's still anyone's fight."...[10-9 Marquez]."Pacquiao has to do something to turn this fight around." Mexicans are singing en masse. The Filipinos are looking to the sky for some quick miracle, praying even more.Ding Dong...Round 7 .Marquez lands a big right hook to Pacquiao's head. Pacquiao is reaching in now with his punches. "He hasn't landed a big left yet." Pacquiao throws a combination but Marquez thwarts it. Marquez shoots a right to the body. Pacquiao lands a good left to the head. Marquez lands a right to Pacquiao's head and another right to his head. Pacquiao misses with a right (air) hook, misses again, throws right-left combination and misses. Pacquiao lands a 1-2 combination. Marquez lands an uppercut. Advantage, Marquez... [10-9 Marquez].Hard right to Manny's chin starts Round 8. Manny sneaks in a blow but Marquez answers more than a few times. Manny isn't counterpunching as quickly or effectively as he usually does. Marquez throws a lead right and misses wildly. Pacquiao's got to throw something -- some probably have him losing almost every round. Marquez lands a deep right. Marquez hooks to Pacquiao's body. Marquez throws a right to the body, and they tie up. Marquez lands a left uppercut and right to Pacquiao's head. Pacquiao lands a good jab. Marquez throws a right to Pacquiao's body but misses with an awkward right. Pacquiao lands a straight left down the middle but doesn't follow up. They exchange body blows in center of the ring. Marquez lands a boastful jab that makes Manny smile. Pacquiao lands a determined left. Round goes to Pac ...[10-9 Pacquiao]."Marquez has fooled most of the experts. No one thought the fight would be this close, but both fighters appear incredibly well matched. Again, it's going to be fitness and mental toughness that will make the ultimate difference."As the start of Round 9 materializes -- the fighters haven't thrown a punch in the first 20 seconds. Pacquiao throws a jab. Marquez hits Pacquiao in the back of the head (ouch!) and Pacquiao complains. Marquez then lands a jab to Pacquiao's head. Marquez lands a good left hook to the body and then a good jab to the bean. Pacquiao's trying to fight at closer range now. Exchanging inside, Pacquiao lands a left down the middle but misses with an uppercut. Pacquiao's still the aggressor. Pacquiao lands a left. Marquez lands a good right. Furious exchange, and they tie up. Marquez lands a left hook and uppercut. Pacquiao on the attack, and he lands a right hook -- the Filipino crowd is on their feet, crossing themselves. Round to Pac...[10-9 Pacquiao."The last minute of that round was the most exciting of the fight so far. The passion is flaring.''Round 10 bell sounds--Marquez misses with an uppercut and a right hand. Pacquiao throws a 1-2 and Marquez goes underneath. Marquez throws a right hook. Pacquiao's stalking him but has to be thinking knockout. Marquez lands a big right hand and Pacquiao misses with a left and Marquez goes underneath. Pacquiao throws a right uppercut. Marquez jabbing. He is definitely getting better angles in this fight. When Pacquiao comes in, Marquez goes down low and ties up. Pacquiao lands a jab, Marquez lands a right. Pacquiao lands a right hook. Heated exchange at the end, though it's hard to tell who got the best of it. I give this round to Pacquiao... [10-9 Pacquiao].Now we're in the championship rounds. Round 11. It's been a very difficult fight to score. Pacquiao keeps shaking his arms loose. Pacquiao shoots a left and misses. Marquez shoots a left and right and misses. Pacquiao lands a strong thunderous straight left. Marquez misses with an uppercut. ''It might have been Pacquiao's best punch of the fight.'' Marquez misses with a left hook. Marquez lands as good right hand, as Pacquiao lands a left. Pacquiao misses a 1-2 combination. Marquez is leaning to his left side a lot. Pacquiao jumps in and lands a good solid left hand. Marquez lands a lazy left hook. Pacquiao lands a jab. Pacquiao lands a left, right. Marquez lands a hard right. Pacquiao. comes back with a 1-2, and "I give that round to Pac."...[10-9 Pacquiao].''Manny looks fresher than Marquez. Marquez has to do more. While waiting to land the perfect combo of counter punches after Manny leaves himself open, he has to be more aggressive and rely less on response to Manny's blows. Looks as if Pacquiao needs a knockout.''The signal of Round 12 begins...Pacquiao jumps in with a left. Marquez lands a good right, Pacquiao bounces in with 1-2. Marquez misses with left uppercut and right hand. It looks like an upset in the making unless Pacquiao does something in the next minute. Marquez misses with three punches. Pacquiao loses his mouthpiece and they stop the action for a second. With 30 seconds left, Marquez throws a right down the middle. Marquez on the ropes.Stunning blow from Manny at the end of the fight. Crowd on their feet! Could it be an upset:We'll see what the judges think. It's up to them now....[Marquez 10-9].''Though there were many difficult rounds to score in this fight, Marquez certainly seems to have won.''''Every time Manny got pasted, I feel it viscerally. But when Manny scores with a blow, I don't feel it the same way. This leaves me feeling very uneasy about how this fight will be decided. It's unfathomable how both fighters can absorb so many vicious blows and just keep fighting. Hard. I can't say who won. But my respect for both fighters is immense. This was one hell of a close fight.''Here's the decision. 114-114; 115-113; 116-112. Majority decision for Pacquiao!Marquez is leaving the arena to cheers of his famous name. The crowd clearly thinks he won,especially the Mexicans. I have to say: ''I did, too.'' Pacquiao is leaving the ring to intense booing. Max Kellerman is trying to interview Pacquiao, but the crowd is booing so loud that you can't hear anything. Kellerman asks Pacquiao about a potential fight with Floyd Mayweather Jr.-- Pacquiao's response: "Let's get it on."Manny wins! I'm relieved, but man, this was a tough fight to watch, much less fight.Manny certainly threw far more power punches than Marquez. And Manny's accuracy wassuperior. I suspect, because people thought the fight would be more lopsided than it was, itaffects people's perceptions.If Manny squeaked through with a deserved win, when everyone was expecting greater dominance, the misleading impression is that Manny may not have deserved to win. That said, when you break it down, clearly Manny deserved to win. But just barely...Once again, these were truly difficult rounds to score, but it seemed as though Pacquiao barely landed a really significant blow. There are a lot of people , I would say, scored it a draw. Right now, it's hard to predict how this bout will affect the landscape of boxing. We were all looking for something decisive here but got just the opposite.It's not inconceivable that Manny may have purposely under-fought. What would he gain? What he really wants is to fight Mayweather. Would Mayweather agree to fight Manny had he knocked out Marquez? ...Doubtful..!! Manny eked out a win? My last comment as I am exiting the arena: ''Never under-estimate the intelligence of Manny.'' But remember, ''I'M PRETTY PARTISAN HERE!''






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