Avaya business phones are some of the most sought after business telephones in the business telecommunications industry, and for a good reason. Avaya telephones are considered one of the best brands of telephones in which a company can invest. Explicating each and every benefit of Avaya business phones would require a book length piece of writing. In this article, we present a general overview of four benefits that consistently matter to many companies.


1. Continual Equipment Improvement


Drawing in part from technology from Bell Labs, Avaya is continually on the cusp of creating newer, better business telephones that anticipate the needs of its prospective customers. This is why many companies continually replace old Avaya telephone systems with new ones that feature updated Avaya business phones that deliver more capabilities than before. As a world-class player in the business telephone market, this is Avaya's commitment to quality. 


2. Various Models of Implementation


Systems of Avaya business phones can be implemented on several models by the service provider, the most popular of which are the hosted model, the managed model, the in-house model, and the hybrid model. Each model offers unique financial benefits and user benefits that meet the needs of different business demographics. A certified Avaya partner can examine your business telecommunication needs and propose the most beneficial model of implementation. 


3. Wide Variety of Phone Models


Business telephones are like automobiles. There are numerous brands, and the models that fall within the brands are more numerous still. Avaya telephones are no exception. While having so many options might seem to make the selection process harder, it actually makes it easier. A certified Avaya partner will examine your business telephone requirements and recommend the best telephone model or models to address them. The same goes for associated equipment.


4. Used Phones Have Resale Value 


For most companies, purchasing a new set of Avaya business phones is a significant investment, but the cost can be mitigated if you sell your owned Avaya telephones to a refurbisher of business telecommunications equipment. These businesses are typically interested in purchasing telephones in multiple units. If your telephones have value as legacy equipment, a refurbisher may be willing to make a competitive offer for your entire system.




Using Avaya business phones has several benefits. For many companies, four of the most important of these benefits are: continual equipment improvement, various models of telephone system implementation, a wide variety of phone models from which to choose, and used phones that can be sold to telecommunications hardware refurbishers. To learn more about the benefits of using Avaya business phones, reach out to a certified Avaya partner in your area today.    

Source : articlesbase.com


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