World Bank defines corruption as an abuse of public power for private benefit. In another definition shared by most political scientists, political corruption is any transaction between private and public sector actors through which collective goods are illegitimately converted into private, regarding pay offs.

 Political corruption occurs at the top level of the state, and it has political repercussions. Political corruption is the manipulation of the political institutions and the rules of procedure, and therefore it influences the institutions of government and the political system, and it frequently leads to institutional decay. Political corruption is therefore something more than a deviation from formal and written legal norms, and from professional codes of ethics.

 There are lot of interesting facts, if we look closely to the cases of major corruption in early independence period. Jeep scandal case was closed for judicial inquiry ignoring the suggestions of Inquiry Commission and it was declared that "as far as Government is concerned it has made up its mind to close the matter. If the opposition is not satisfied they can make it an election issue". Scholars often refer to this kind of corruption as "extractive corruption".


 India took a major decision of liberalization in 1991 (due to financial crisis) and that became a major socio-political event in India's history. The changes accompanied with liberalization affected the socioeconomic scenario of India and subsequent changes were very evident in political domain also. move from 'license Raj'—where businesses were governed by rules and quotas aided by bribes to bureaucrats—to liberalization opened fresh, widened opportunities for bribery and graft.

 Today media plays a very vital role in "making of the king". But the corruption in media is no more an alien concept to us. Although corruption is nothing new to Indian socio-political space, recent high-profile scams have augmented the long-prevailing skepticism in India's ability to emerge as a mature economy without traces of corruption ballooned.

Are We Fighting Corruption?

Fighting corruption has emerged as a key development issue in India in the recent years. More and more policymakers, businessmen and civil society organizations have begun to confront the issue openly. Who is interested in fighting corruption? Who will take the lead? Will Political Class, Judges, Lawyers, Journalist, Police or public take the lead in fighting against corruption?

 Corruption is a symptom of fundamental institutional weaknesses. The implementation of institutional reforms can benefit significantly from the participatory process that is being developed for anti-corruption activities. Only recently, the pendulum was firmly in the "enforcement" corner. The gradual swing toward the middle ground has taken place due to recognition of the limitations to expose legalistic enforcement measures, since the law institutions themselves are currently part of the corruption problem in India.

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