DIVORCE – It happens.  And when it does, it can bring a Pandora's box of challenges! There's one challenge that might be overlooked and it has to do with food!

If you are reading this, perhaps you (or others you know) are going through divorce, or are recently divorced.  The divorce journey is usually very stressful to say the least!  Just the legal process alone can be overwhelming.  But it's the emotional upset and drain that can be the most difficult to manage.  There are so many important decisions to make that will impact your family, and it's hard to make them alone.  Or you might have the opposite difficulty with too many well-meaning friends sharing different advice.

It's important to find ways to reduce the pain and confusion of divorce (but overeating isn't the healthiest option!)  When I provide divorce coaching as a personal life coach, I help you find the best ways for going through divorce, and creating a new life after divorce.  With divorce coaching and mindfulness practice, you are better able to manage stress, communicate more effectively, make clear and wise plans for your future, and create a healthy and meaningful new life.   Divorce coaching focuses on helping you build self-confidence for making good decisions and taking positive actions for your life.

One of the ways that you might try to ease the pain is through emotional eating.  There is the tendency for some people to use food for comfort, which is called emotional eating.  Emotional eating can be triggered by the stress of going through divorce, or by the stress of grieving your losses, or worrying about your children.  For some people, an email from their ex-spouse (or soon-to-be) can prompt an ice cream binge.  The mindfulness practice of mindful eating is very helpful to curb emotional eating.   That, combined with other mindfulness practice has the benefit of calming the nervous system.  

Another challenge that is sometimes associated with the stress of divorce is a nagging insecurity about appearance.  Thoughts like, "Can I attract a new lover?," or "Am I too old to date?", can wear away at your self esteem.   This can often become most pronounced when considering beginning a new relationship after divorce.   By being mindful of your thoughts, you can choose not to believe everything you think.  Thoughts related to negative body image can be noticed and released, while turning your attention back to the present moment, to your breath or to what is right in front of you.  And it helps to remember that body image is just that – an image – as in imaginary.   An image is not the real you.  Starting over after divorce gives you the opportunity to discover and express your real self – the wonderful, authentic and beautiful you.

As a personal life coach offering divorce coaching, it continues to be my intention, aspiration, and passion to improve the conditions and impacts of divorce for all involved.  Thank you for sharing this information with anyone you feel may benefit.

Source : articlesbase.com


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