More than 60% of world population uses smartphones. Andriod a free open source mobile operating system has made it possible for many smartphone manufacturers to launch moderately priced smartphones. We use different mobile apps every day. Mobile app is a necessity for every business whether small or big.

The big problem with mobile application development is platforms. There are many mobile platforms but iOS, Andriod and Microsoft are the top three players.

Andriod is number one platform andmany companies have made a fortune with custom android apps development. But Andriod app cannot work on other platforms and developing multiple version of your app for each platform is very costly affair. PhoneGap is a cross platform mobile apps developing tool that brings you tones of opportunities. There are several advantages of using PhoneGap.

  • Build once and deploy everywhere. This is the best feature of PhoneGap. You have to build an app only once then make some adjustments to it and it's ready to be deployed on various platforms.
  • Every mobile platform uses its own coding language so in order to develop separate apps you need to know all those coding languages. But a web developer proficient inHTML5, CSS and JavaScriptyou can build the best PhoneGap App in short time. A developer need not learn coding languages for different mobile platforms. 
  • It has a robust backend support system which considerably reduces developer's efforts and speeds up the development process thoroughly.
  • It's open source so it's freely available. The PhoneGap community is a vast network of developers who are always sharing latest codes and modules. Many companies use PhoneGap for affordable iPhone development in Los Angeles.
  • The PhoneGap firmware can tap into the device's hardware such as camera, accelerometer, location etc. That's why apps developed on PhoneGap can use the native resources of different devices without compromising user experience.

Although PhoneGap is one of the favourite tools used for mobile application development there are a few demerits of using it.

  • PhoneGap can be inefficient sometimes, while working with native apps.
  • The performance of cross platform apps is a little subdued when compared to apps developed for individual platforms. So most developers prefer custom Android Apps development only since Andriod is the most popular mobile platform.
  • PhoneGap framework lets the developers to develop the apps only for once. Thereafter it charges some monthly fees. Which means it's not really an open source platform after all. 

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    The Article on Know the Pros & Cons of Best PhoneGap App is nice give detail information about it.Thanks for sharing the article.Xamarin Consulting


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