Collaborative learning is among the latest buzz in school education landscape. The concept reinforces effective learning where children are able to demonstrate their understanding and apply them practically in their daily life. Recently teachers and the educator community is emphasizing on effective learning beyond the context of exams and theoretical concept building. Collaborative education is about building a conceptual relationship of ideas and develops a positive attitude towards learning. At renowned schools for children such as International School in Delhi, collaborative learning is emphasized largely. This introduces development of multiple skills through various learning methodologies. Instigating creativity is among the primary objectives of Collaborative learning.

To foster collaborative learning, both students as well as teachers should be focused. Both learning methodology as well as teaching style should be improved. Students should be taught to take the responsibility for their own learning. The subject and learning style should be such that they drive interest in students. Only fulfilling the needs of students would drive the interest to learn. These learning support group activities and are related to several contexts. The objective is to internalized education through application and proper understanding. At International School in Delhi, where the education community is formed of students and teachers from multiple countries, creating an atmosphere for collaborative learning is easier.

The culture of the school created by teachers, administrative staff and the leadership roles is an important aspect to form a collaborative learning environment. Professional relationships of teachers, while working with administrators should be more collaborative in nature. A mechanism for feedback and informed decision should be created among the teachers as well as administrators. Feedback should be the teaching guide for teachers that would allow judging their quality and effects of teachings by themselves. A collaborative culture should be created between teachers to do away with classroom conservationism. The insecurity of teachers due to their perception of someone else taking away the credit of their work should be broken. This is the main reason classroom conservationism in teachers.

To instigate collaborative learning culture in schools the setbacks to the learning environment such as Individualism, isolation and classroom conservatism should be eradicated. Trust and relationship among the educator community is necessary to develop such an environment. Collaboration among teachers is the prior requirement to collaboration among students. Teaching standard could be improved massively by working together and understanding the areas of improvement.

Lancer's International School. It is one of the top International School in Delhi in NCR.

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