The use of trampoline from Trampoline Vancouver as an alternative to regular exercising is a great way to reduce those fat layers and burn calories in a healthy and enjoyable manner. You can easily burn at least 1600 calories in half an hour by jumping on your mini-trampoline and the advantage is that, it is low impact too. You get an amazing workout with all the fun and enjoyment encompassed in it. Many celebrities and health freaks use the mini trampolines to get their body in shape and beat the calories by adding the trampoline exercises in their work out routine.

The use of the trampoline exercises at least thrice a week is very beneficial for your body. For best results you can add three moves in your fitness regime at least three times in a week. For a great workout repeat the sequence of the three moves at least three times in a row to get the proper results. The basic trampoline bounce is simple but it surely burns a lot of calories and it is an effective tool against weight gain. It tones your quads and the calf muscles. 

For a simple bounce technique, you can start on a mini trampoline and jump with your feet at least six inches apart from each other, bend your arms towards inside, and keep your elbows at the sides. With a slight bend in your knees you can lightly bounce up and down the trampoline. Make sure that your feet should come at least 6 inches off the trampoline. You can repeat these moves at least thirty times at one go.

The trampoline prances are amazing and they will increase your heart rate considerably giving it an awesome workout. For the move, you will have to stand on a mini trampoline from Trampoline Sales Edmonton with your feet six inches apart. Then you need to place your hands on your hips and bend your knees slightly. Now start to bounce on the balls of your feet and do it in an alternate rising of your right and left knees to the hip level. You will have to repeat it sixty times with thirty times at each leg.

The awesome trampoline squats are amazing for engaging your core muscles which will define your body in a perfect manner. For this move, you will have to stand on the mini trampoline with your feet together and arms at your sides. Next you will have to spread your feet that will be a little wider than your shoulder width and land in a squat position with your knees bent and the thighs that are placed parallel to the ground. You need to keep up your arms straight and in front of you to manage this position. Then you can lightly bounce back to your starting position and then repeat the same for twenty times in a row at each workout session. It is an amazing move to get a toned and fit body with success and in an enjoyable manner.

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