Among the plethora of health benefits offered by this native Japanese cuisine there are low blood pressure, improvement in hormonal balance and metabolism, anti-cancer properties, building strong bones and improving the immune system. While sushi can help you lose weight if eaten the right way, it can also add those extra pounds to your weight if you fail. Most often sushi contains rice soaked in vinegar, raw fish, vegetables and seaweed and is accompanied with soy sauce and wasabi and some pieces of ginger to clean the palate. Here are the different ways in which sushi should be eaten to lose some weight:

Order low calorie fish: Sushi, like oysters and clams, resemble a low fat meal. But if you are not eating it the right way, it is not low fat any more. If you want to get the maximum health benefits out of sushi make sure you are choosing fishes that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. It fights against heart diseases and improves brain power. Salmon and tuna are both ideal choice for this. They are low in calories, high in protein and rich in omega 3.

A little bit of wasabi: Wasabi is a rich source of antioxidants like isothiocyanates. This is the same compound that gives vegetables like broccoli and cabbage their cancer fighting properties. Wasabi, like these cruciferous vegetables is known for its anti cancer punch.

Avoid deep fried rolls: The crunchy rolls can no doubt be extremely tempting but experts recommend staying away from these deep fried Sushi Rolls if you want to lose some extra pounds. Avoid rolls that have a succulent golden crust through deep frying. Remember, the less fancy the roll, the healthier it is.

Steamed and grilled items: Add items that have been steamed or grilled rather than fried. Even raw fish will do you good. Go for sashimi as it is only the fish with no rice and additional toppings. Nothing is better than adding a few veggie items to your plate. Cucumber, seaweed and avocados are not only delectable but they are also a powerful source of nutrients like vitamins and minerals.

White rice VS brown rice: Sushi is mostly raw fish or vegetables wrapped with seasoned rice. When ordering or preparing sushi go for brown rice rather than white rice. Brown rice is a powerful source of manganese, magnesium, selenium and fibers. Fiber in brown rice improves digestion and bowel movement and selenium fights against the free radicals.

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