The strong and rich aroma along with the sweet taste of coffee is not the only reason to make it popular among people. It's actually identified to be loaded with 800 active compounds and vitamin elements that help secure safety for your heart.

Absolutely true that the yummy coffee is preferred for several favors, like less chances of Parkinson's occurrence, prevention from minor cancers and much to surprise, it even cuts down upon the damage rate frequency of your DNA. Adding few more to the list of its seamless benefits - taking coffee at least once a day soothes the clogged arteries, the root cause of heart attacks.

A research opines that people who took more no. of coffee in a single day were developing    calcium build ups in the cardiac arteries far lesser than those who take it. Even though, these depositions are symptoms for early cardiac arrest situation, the results doesn't mean that coffee consumption now will save you from heart challenges tomorrow.

"Coffee consumption and coronary artery calcium in young and middle-aged asymptomatic adults is directly co-related."


Intersecting much about the praised benefits of coffee, there also exists a group of protestants who are against the benefits presenting some contrary opinions on the consumption. Here are the adverse differences.

  • excess intake of unfiltered coffee leads to high "bad" cholesterol.
  • Those who drink coffee on regular basis are found to develop type 1 diabetes leading to the risk of cardiac failure.

In an attempt to clear out the confusion about the pros and cons of coffee, Korean researchers found that people were growing the risk of heart failure in a contrasting way all together. They tested the experiment on a mass of people encompassing about 25,138 men and women, who withstood health screening on a routine basis. With an age of about 41 and no prior symptoms at the inception, these people were asked to appear for the experiment.

After the disclosure of lifestyle habits including frequency of smoking and alcoholic consumption, beverage intake, CT Scan was done to the selected participants to check with the existing calcium level in the coronary arteries responsible for carrying blood to the heart.

Usually, calcium built-up is not found at this place. So, when the report says a YES to the presence then it's a syndrome of coronary heart disease (CHD). With passage of time, these built-ups can either solidify or open up leading to irregular blood flow towards the heart.

Scan results unveiled the fact that while nobody exhibited any sign of CHD, over 13 % carried calcium content in the coronary arteries. Still, keeping the heart risk elements viz - smoking or drinking into keen consideration, they came to a conclusion that people with an intake of 3-5 cups in a day carried 40% less calcium element in their arteries than those who don't take coffee. These results seem to lower down around 35% for coffee drinkers who took it once or thrice.

Despite of the clear co-relation, the study is yet to talk in favor of the beverage - "COFFEE". However, most of the Cardiac specialists opine that coffee comprises of heterocyclic compounds.

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