Hair is an integral part of our beauty and there are many a things which directly depend upon that. Unavoidable and Unfortunate enough, but hair transplant scars are not a pretty sight, but the intensity of the scar depends upon how far linear the scar is. But you can have lesser scar by following the FUE technique and thanks to the advancements in technology; the scar can be faded out and significantly reduced.

A successful hair transplant is considered as a glorious achievement for many with their restoration of their previous growth of hair. But there is one unavoidable part of the surgery, irrespective of the success of the process, the scar. They are completely capable of leaving ugly scars on the patient's donor zone, though the blemish seems to dissolve with more time. For those who can live with their scars can stay tension free. But those who have to wear their short and requires fading out the scars at the earliest may be witnessing a great deal of anxiety.  Once you have settled for transplanting hairs, then the knowledge that the scars can never be entirely avoided. It can only be reduced and faded, but not totally dissolved.


Repairing scars with SMP technique- Pros and Cons

SMP techniques are commonly utilized mainly for camouflaging scars attained from the process of hair transplantation. The advancements are inclusive of effective concealment, safer and quicker with no further concern, no maintenance and no more surgery, other than just shaving and moisturizing.

SMP technique can take the favour of making the visible scars distinctively faded and are considered as one of the most popular scar concealment methods among masses.

Working on a strip scar repair requires 2-3 short sessions, though for some additional sessions may be required. Infact, so may happen, that the scar repair took place during the course of a full SMP treatment for some, minimizing the number of sessions.

But there are certain things which you need to keep in your mind for concealing the scar in a better way. You will be required to maintain a short hairstyle, (though it may seem a bit counter initiative), especially to those who has already grown their hairs long for hiding the scars. For more details please visit at .

The second most important thing is that you require sufficient amount of time to heal an SMP treatment. The scars, which are pinkish in color, can be treated easily but the deeper wounds take longer time. A normal 6-18 months is required post surgery for camouflaging the scars.

What Level Of Scar Can Be Camouflaged?

Around 70% of the scar can be camouflaged. A significant improvement can be seen with gradual time and infact the second session can offer full disguise of the scar.

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