The importance and significance of the conversion rates can't be under- estimated as they are the growth drivers in the long business run and thus they needs to be taken care of. If you are unable to achieve the unprecedented growth in terms of the eCommerce conversion rates, it is really a sign of great worry. In order to make things a little simplified and easier for you, you need to pay attention towards these factors that are killing your conversions in a big way. 

1. Inadequate site traffic- In order to grab the instant attention of your targeted customers for changing your business fortunes, you need to have a size-able customer traffic on your site. Remember that if you can't have an adequate amount of site traffic, you can't persuade people to shop from your online store. Further, you need to take the expertise of various web analytics tool like Mocking Fish that can provide the detailed insight about the behavior, click activity, customer interest and preferences of your site visitors for getting maximum conversions. 

2. Complex customer registration forms- Most of the customers often feel irritated due to the time consuming and complex registration forms. In order to grab their immediate attention, you need to remove unnecessary form fields and labels from your web forms. Apart from this, you need to provide step by step instructions and guidelines for helping out your customers during the task of form sign ups. Besides, there are eCommerce extensions from Knowband like Magento Social Loginizer, OpenCart Social Loginizer, PrestaShop Social Loginizer and others for your Magento, PrestaShop or OpenCart store that can improve your customer registration process to a great extent.      

3. Ineffective website loading time- A delay of few seconds can prove to be much costly for your business as it affects the conversion rates, customer engagement and product sales. For keeping a check on your site loading time, you need to utilize the features of HTML5, CSS/Javascript files, mobile responsiveness and other such technologies. Work towards restricting the loading time of your site to 2- 3 seconds for keeping your customers engaged to your site. Moreover, site owners can utilize the various website speed optimization tools like PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, Pingdom and such others for improving their site performance and shopping cart abandonments.          

4. Duplicate content on your site- If your content is not original, authentic and appealing in nature, you would not be able to grab the instant attention of your targeted customers. With the recent introduction of the various Google updates like Google Humming Bird, Google Penguin, Google Panda and such others, content has again been at the helm of your business promotion, growth and expansion. So, start focusing on the worth and appeal of your website content for changing your business fortunes. 

5. Not providing faster cart recovery facility- Abandoned customers often complain the complex procedure for the recovery of shopping carts which affects their product sales, site traffic and customer engagement. This long pending issues has been resolved by this amazing Magento Abandoned Cart plugin that can effortlessly get their customers back on your eCommerce store without any hiccups. With the help of the wonderful features and functionalities of this Magento module, you can drastically reduce your shopping cart abandonments on your site. 

In order to make a significant mark among your business rivals, you need to considerable attention towards these mind blowing tips for improving your eCommerce conversion rates. Once, you are successful in making improvements in these areas, there are no reason left that can stop you from achieving significant growth in terms of product sales, conversion rates and site traffic.

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