While your mind might flash back to the big hair bands of the 1980s, there is much more to playing the guitar than rock and roll. Learning to play the guitar is a skill that will spill over into the other areas of your child's life. Besides learning to read and play beautiful music, here are a few other life skills that your child will pick up along the way:

  1. It can help them academically. Learning to play the guitar is more than just plucking away at strings. It requires knowledge of fractions, patterns, and division. By enrolling your child in guitar lessons, you are giving them more than just instrumental knowledge; you will also help to advance them academically. Learning music helps to improve long-term and short-term memory. This will help them when learning new information in school as well.
  2. It will improve their social skills. Whether learning to play the guitar in a group setting or one on one, there is no doubt that it requires social skills. When working with an instructor, your child will need to communicate with them. If certain chords or instructions are unclear, they will develop the ability to let them know. They will also learn to respect authoritative figures more. Plus, their instructor will need to give them pointers and critique their abilities. This is a valuable lesson for children to learn early on. It will allow them to react, communicate, and interact with their peers and friends in a more positive way.
  3. Their physical development will improve. Playing an instrument requires coordination. While it may not require the same coordination as football or dancing, it does help them to develop motor skills. When learning to play guitar, different parts of your child's mind will be working together with their body. Their coordination and timing will improve which can help them to excel in other hobbies as well.
  4. Their self-confidence will soar. Constructive criticism can be hard to take, especially if your child hasn't had a lot of experience with it. By playing an instrument, they will be given critiques frequently. Then, they will have the opportunity to turn it into something positive. This can build self-confidence and help them to feel better about themselves. Plus, most teachers will require their students to play in front of people at some point. This will help them to feel more at ease in public speaking and presentation type settings.
  5. It teaches discipline and patience. Learning patience, especially as a child, is hard. However, when learning to play guitar, it's a great opportunity to teach your child about delayed gratification. Chances are, it will take time for them to excel at the instrument. However, it's worth the practice. After a while, your child will understand the need to practice. The more they practice, the better they will become, thus teaching your child the value of hard work in order to get the results that they want.

Enrolling your child in guitar lessons in St. Paul is the gift that keeps on giving. Not only will they learn how to play beautiful music, but their whole life will be transformed. Over time, you may begin to notice that your child acts more mature, feels more confident, and has more patience. And to think, you almost decided not to sign them up!

Source : articlesbase.com


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