Fact: The majority of guitar teachers are frustrated by a lack of success in their teaching businesses. Many guitar teachers have only a small amount of great guitar students, and for most of them, making fifty thousand dollars per year of income is an unimaginable goal. The majority of these teachers become disappointed, quit teaching guitar and end up working at some job that they hate, confirming what people usually say in "you won't make big money teaching guitar". In reality, the problem is not that guitar teachers fail, it's that people fail. Having a teaching business can be a very lucrative money-making machine. After dedicating years to helping hundreds of guitarists become truly great players, building my own teaching business and helping many guitar teachers from all over the world make hundreds of thousands of dollars annually, I can tell you, there are innumerable possibilities when it comes to achieving big success teaching guitar. People don't fail because success is too hard to attain, people fail because they tend to think in the wrong way, with the incorrect mindset. Guitar teachers are notorious for having a negative mindset about life and the things that happen to them. This negative mindset is what holds them back from achieving success in their guitar teaching business. Below I will show you how this negative mindset can destroy your guitar teaching business and career. However, before reading forward, take this assessment and discover your real potential for success as a guitar teacher. Here are the most common reasons why the beliefs of most guitar teachers make them fail and what you can do to prevent this:Reason One: Having A Destructive Mindset Guitar teachers with a negative mindset don't have the ability to even try to reach big goals (like making $150,000 yearly with their teaching business). They assume these kinds of goals are unrealistic for them and here's why:

  • They have been around negative people for their entire life. People who taught them things as: "making huge amounts of money isn't possible for a guitar teacher" or even worse "Attempting to make money with a teaching business is a waste of time and you ought to not even try it".
  • They worry about their own ability to reach success.
  • They have never met anyone who has made lots of money with a guitar teaching business.

This negative mindset that most guitar teachers have keeps them from ever doing anything to become successful.Reason Two: Blaming Others For Your Failures Non-successful guitar teachers usually hand over all the responsibility to others when they fail. For example, here are the most common excuses they say when they aren't able to get enough new guitar students.

  •  "There's too much competition where I live"
  • "There are not enough guitarists interested in studying guitar in my local area"
  • "Students don't want to spend money on guitar lessons because we are in a bad economy"
  • "Most of my prospects don't have enough money to pay for guitar lessons"
  • "My competition has better musical credentials than me"
  •  "All my guitar students go on holiday during the summer, so marketing my teaching business will be a waste of money and time"

Fact is, these are all excuses. Highly successful guitar teachers have the ability to attract new students constantly, no matter what the season is, what country or city they live in, and regardless of whether or not they have a music degree.

In the end, the single credential that really counts is if you have received guitar teacher training. Good news! This credential is actually easy to get and you can acquire it without investing huge amounts of money (and several years) into more traditional music credentials such as getting a degree from a university.Reason Three: Sabotaging Your Students And Yourself This negative mindset will prevent you from making big money and will also hold your guitar students' progress back as well. Want to know why? 1. Because you lack commitment to becoming a truly great guitar teacher, you won't do what you need to do in order to succeed. 2. Your students will notice your weak conviction and will never take you seriously. Your negative mindset spreads to your students' mindset, causing them to doubt their own true potential. This will create a very bad reputation for you in your town and local area where the most committed guitar students, the ones that do have the money to spend on guitar lessons, will stay away from taking lessons with you.How To Overcome A Negative Mindset:1. Get In Touch With An Outstanding Guitar Teacher Training Group: What this means is find and hang out with guitar teachers who have already achieved an extraordinary level of success or are on their way to making 6-figures per year with their guitar teaching business. Beware: 99.9% of online teaching forums are brimming with non-successful and negative teachers who don't know what success really means - avoid them. Seek out and engage with guitar teachers who have achieved success with their teaching business. Tony Robbins, great success coach, said "your success is in direct proportion with the quality of people you surround yourself with". Teachers with a negative mindset will almost always take you down with their cynical beliefs. Concurrently, successful guitar teachers will dare you, inspire you and motivate you to become the best guitar teacher you can be.2. Use A Proven Guitar Teaching Model: When you have surrounded yourself with the best and most successful guitar teachers, do exactly as they have done: get a masterplan for your guitar teaching business success. This means: get the training, support system and tools to build a successful teaching business. When you have all this in place, success will become automatic for you. Warning: If you want to truly benefit from the steps described above, eliminate all kinds of negative thoughts that might dwell deep inside your mind and align it with the beliefs of successful guitar teachers. Learn how to do this by taking this free assessment: "how close are you to succeed as a guitar teacher?" and get free feedback from me on your advancement towards becoming a highly successful guitar teacher.

Source : articlesbase.com


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