To me, there's no better choice than becoming a firefighter. First things first the schedule is way better than a 9-5. It's 24 on 48 off, you come in for one day and then you're off for two. I know what you're thinking, "I don't want to work a job where I am required to be awake for 24 hours". For this job that is not the case, you get to sleep! Some stations have bunk rooms with multiple beds and some stations have individual bunk rooms for each firefighter. You can literally make your job your second home. That is what makes it so much better than any other job, because it's not a job it's your life. So everyday you go to your "job" it doesn't feel like you're being forced. You want to be there, you want to go. You want to hang out with your crew, train with your crew, save lives with your crew!

Most fire departments have crews of three to four on each engine or truck. With three watches, A, B, and C. You can look at what your schedule will be for the entire year. That being said I'm sure you're wondering with that schedule that's asks you to work 24 hours every third day when will you be able to take a vacation. That's were annual leave and swaps come in. A few hours of annual leave is accumulated every month and you can use it whenever you want. So once you accumulate 24 hours you can take off a shift or save it a take off a couple shifts. If you want to save your annual leave so you can take a longer vacation you can just go with a swap. You basically just ask a member of another crew on different shift if they'll cover your shift and you'll just owe them. Kind of scratch my back I'll scratch yours thing. As long as you can find someone to work for you, you can do as many swaps as you want.

The schedule isn't the only thing that is nice. Retirement, firefighters have some of the best retirement plans. Firefighting is considered a high risk career so the money paid into the retirement accounts are more than normal. So after a 30 year, fun filled, career you could comfortably retire with 90% of your yearly salary and zero worries. Retirement isn't the only thing, firefighting careers also provide great benefits for firefighters and there families. Affordable plans that include health, dental, and vision.

Be careful allowing your spouse or significant other to read this next part. Some people get worried about the danger of the job and possibility of making the ultimate sacrifice, leaving your family too soon with nothing to provide for them. Most departments have a plan for their high risk employees should they pass in the line of duty. Usually somewhere around $50,000. That's not the end of it though, the federal government will pay upwards of $300,000 as well as help with tuition fees for children of fallen firefighters. As mood killing as the this last part is, a lot of people don't know about it and it may be a determining factor to someone deciding whether or not to choose and commit to this dangerous career.

So go find a fire college and start your career path towards the best job in the world!

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