The demands of modern life makes us often feel tied, irritable, stressed, run down. The majority of people are looking for "a quick fix" with caffeine, sugary drink, a muffin any other product that gives you that "boost". However after an hour or two the same symptoms grips your system and once again you are looking for the same "quick fix". After months & months of the same cycles, you have developed the habit/s that most people cannot get out from. It's like seating inside the same boat for weeks/months/years trying to get somewhere depending on where the wind blows, without making a single attempt to get out & change your direction. 

Achieving results, it's not an easy task but it's the most appreciative once you achieved it. Let us not be misled that not all changes are beneficial but I think having the guts to make changes gives you the self-respect, self-worth. Each one of us can exercise the basic rules of discipline.

Perhaps when you are reading this article you can suddenly unlock something for yourself, I am a reader and many times when I am reading I find some answers for myself. Its incredible opportunity to share some thoughts with the readers, people of all backgrounds, the tips, methods of implementation & implantation the habits without having to go too far out of my way. The answers within me, if I am faced with a particular problem, I evaluate it, take a look at what I do, write it down, check, keep searching for the answers. Eventually I find the answers, everything is making sense. This is the real blessings of the colorful life here on Earth. If you feel threatened just because you different develop, build your confidence, understand we are all meant to be different. Some feel the need to do jobs no one else can do, because of inability & incapacitation. Some are doing incredible jobs.

Often I hear children talking about the "bullies", they are simple, the only way they see their little lives is to pick on others, very greyish areas, with no real opportunity to grow. But if you leave this greyish area, "the bully boat", focusing yourself on growth, developing as a person all your areas of life, the success is going to find you. Never underestimate the power of humanity, especially the incredible power of the Highest of all. In my life I have experienced many moments I count these moments some of these moments are truly significant, triumphant, like family parties. My personal achievements, family member's achievements, children's achievements. Incredible high profile events of humanity I witnessed & the low fall of the humanity where only GOD can help us? I'm questioning not the GOD but the humanity, some of the things we are doing that no one can be proud of, not mother, not father, not grandparents, not children and the long list goes on. The GOD is definitely not proud. Then we turn our attention to GOD like a herd of dull stupid sheep suddenly & say why GOD done that? No, it's not GOD, it's the human to human.

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