The writer of this article is a person of minority ethnicity and a citizen of Malaysia of Sri Lankan descent. She has suffered many racially motivated injustices caused by discrimination in the fields of education and employment in Malaysia. The writer aspires to someday emigrate to a Developed Nation as she has witnessed the manner in which educated professionals and intellectuals of minority ethnicity are increasingly marginalized consequently leaving them in a state of poverty if they are unable to emigrate elsewhere in the world. This is an uphill battle faced on a daily basis – the propaganda of evil ideas and sentiments increasingly gaining a stronghold in this multiracial country where those of majority ethnicity are constantly in a state of paranoia perceiving themselves to be under threat by the minority races and hence targeting minority races with negative racial propaganda, spewing racial hatred in every sphere, increasingly revoking the limited opportunities which the minority races have access to in relation to participation in the economy.
The writer of this article believes that the root of the problem lies in the ideology of the leaders of the nation perhaps emulating some diabolical agenda of another nation during another era. It is not uncommon for narcissistic leaders, lusting for control and power and the desire to remain indefinitely in power for their selfish reasons to study elements of a nation that may be exploited to their advantage to facilitate the realization of their diabolical agendas. Often times, these leaders study the parallels in other societies where other leaders have implemented agendas based upon a certain philosophy leading to their success in controlling the mass of the populace. The ease in implementing this sort of agenda is seen in multicultural societies where minority races are seen to be more successful than the majority race and hence the need of the leader, associating his ethnicity with the majority group of the population to use racially manipulative tactics to assist the majority race to assert dominance over the minority race group.
Many points presented in this article have been sourced from material published by other writers which the writer of this article has extracted. These issues will shed some insight into the evil and diabolical agenda of certain nations which authorize the harm of a certain class of its citizens via laws and sanctioned systems that advocate and promote institutionalized racism leading in extreme cases to torture, harm and even death of its citizens of minority ethnicity. These systems promote and purport to justify racial genocide, ethnic cleansing, apartheid. The author is of the view that in the modern day, other countries must sanction and boycott countries which harm their own citizens in the name of purported racial superiority (in the manner in which South Africa was pressured to end the era of apartheid) as this is the only humanitarian thing to do to save innocent people from being harmed by racially motivated attacks affecting their livelihood and survival and progress in a nation. The fact that apparent physical violence is not witnessed must not undermine the serious nature of the general violation of basic human rights. In Malaysia, the basic human rights of the minority class of citizens are infringed by institutionalized racism, impeding their ability to earn a livelihood, obtain equal access to education and in effect crippling their ability to gain any sort of economic benefits. The seriousness of the violation of such human rights is deceptively masked with the outward picture painted of a peaceful and harmonious nation where all races are allegedly co-existing in a state of peace and harmony.
At the outset, a stark / conspicuous parallel is seen between Malaysia as it is today and the Nazi regime in Germany of the yesteryears in the sense that both nations had adopted policies which gave effect to racial polarization proclaiming the superiority of a certain race or class of people and this propaganda was used by both to sanction laws and practices that marginalize the targeted races and classes of people. In Nazi Germany, Hitler needed a scapegoat / a fall guy and so he targeted the Jewish people as being the cause of all the problems plaguing the German people. Hitler blamed Germany's defeat in the First World War on the Jewish people. He alleged their involvement with Communists in a joint conspiracy to rule the world. Hitler boldly claimed that the Jewish people, a minority race of people in Germany, were gradually gaining a stronghold upon Germany's economy in efforts to become a dominant power in Germany. He alleged that this was being done by controlling political parties, many of the leading companies and several of the country's newspapers. Hitler had used persuasive rhetoric, mind manipulation tactics and dramatic stage antics to sway and impress the German people through instilling fear in them of becoming a majority race of people in their own homeland being ruled and dominated by a minority class of people allegedly responsible for their hardships.
Similarly in Malaysia, there was seen to be cunning manipulative logic, reasoning and justification by Malaysia's former premier in alleging that the Chinese immigrant population in their stronghold of the economy, were becoming the dominant racial power in Malaysia. These sentiments were voiced out even during colonial rule prior to Malaysia gaining independence and were put in writing in the Malay Dilemma, a book written by the former premier (Mahathir Mohamad). This has in effect facilitated rampant corruption in Malaysia predominantly by the majority race being at the receiving end of bribes, monetary inducements gained by rent-seeking behavior in every aspect of the economy from the granting of permits and licences to operate businesses to monopolizing the cash rich industries such as oil and gas, the trade of natural resources etc. and perhaps more diabolical of these acts is state sanctioned discriminatory practices which effectively cripple the livelihood of the minority races in Malaysia resulting in their poverty, hampered state of progress.
In Nazi Germany, the persecution of the Jewish people began systematically almost as soon as Hitler gained power. During the Nazi regime, many new anti-Jewish laws were established. These were for example: police and the courts no longer protect Jewish people, Jewish students excluded from exams in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and law. These were initially introduced very slowly and inconspicuously so as to not raise any suspicion about sentiments of ant-Semitism among the Nazi party's members. It was uncertain as to whether Hitler's agenda was to kill people of Jewish descent but in the end, this was achieved.
In Malaysia, the Federal Constitution itself accords special unquestionable rights to the Malay Bumiputera race of people and makes exception to equality in relation to all spheres of economic participation by other races of people in order to accord special privileges to the Malay Bumiputera race of people. In Malaysia, with regards to professions that require a licence to practice / start a business such as medicine, law, real estate etc., there are separate institutions and examinations for the Malay Bumiputera race of people which facilitate their early graduation, higher passing rate and in this manner is aimed to stifle the progress of the minority races who have to sit for and pass more difficult examinations where there is almost always a quota in place to limit the numbers of students passing in each sitting. This would naturally delay their potential to earn a livelihood essential to start and support a family. In this manner, it covertly parallels the marginalization of races similar to Nazi Germany as the outcome is essentially the same albeit in a different form. Laws pertaining to sedition, ant-terrorism and harmony in effect curtails the voice of dissent in opposing race based policies. These laws sanction arrests, imprisonment and other forms of persecution and incarceration to quell all opposition to malicious race based policies under the banner of affirmative action. As in Nazi Germany, the framework of the system in place itself facilitates the outcome of racial genocide i.e. authorizing diabolical acts to be perpetrated upon a proclaimed inferior race of people by the majority race of people to prevent any potential for dominance in the economic sector.
As Hitler mandated in Germany, similarly in Malaysia, race predominates all activity from eating, shopping for food, education, employment, filling out forms, access to opportunities for housing, starting a business etc.. The population is brainwashed to think along racial parameters to facilitate the diabolical national agenda of divide and rule.
Hitler had spread racial propaganda to the tune that the German people were of Aryan ancestry and hence he imputed scientific / genetic racism based upon a theory of the superiority of a master race of people, branding the Jewish people to be an inferior race and hence, liable to persecution. Similarly in Malaysia, there is the constant chanting of the slogan 'Ketuanan Melayu' of Malay superiority, imputing that the Malay Bumiputera race of people are the 'prince of the soil' proclaiming that they were the original inhabitants of Malaysia (although from a historical and factual perspective, this may be deemed to be fallacious and a mere political ploy to gain leverage in dominance of the economy) and that other races are immigrants or 'pendatang', the latter label has been the cause of much racial tension in recent years as the later in time immigrant races are citizens of Malaysia and yet still provoked by being referred to as immigrants.
A disturbing parallel is seen between the Malaysia today and the Nazi regime in Germany wherein racial dominance proclaimed on the premise of a superiority of race has caused racial polarization and apartheid to fester in the nation and in spite of the greater might of the majority races in each nation, there is constant ranting of the threat of the minority races gaining a stronghold upon the economy if not marginalized by laws that result in racial discrimination. There is active and perpetual brainwashing of the citizens minds via education and the media. In Malaysia, it is a state of paradox where slogans to divide the races are simultaneously preached with those that purport to create harmony in a multi-ethnic nation of peoples. This creates a state of confusion which is obviously desired by the powers that be to remain in power by creating fear and uncertainty among the people which distracts their attention from the rampant corruption indulged in by the powers that be in high places.
Both Hitler as well as Malaysia's former premier were not in a technical sense natives of the nations which they ruled over from the perspective of race but yet each associated themselves with the dominant race of people in order to gain their support to become dictators of the nation in their lust and greed for power, feeding their personal egos and simultaneously creating racism in their respective nations which harmed all people of minority races living in those nations.
Persons of minority race in Malaysia in seeing and witnessing these parallels between Nazi Germany and Malaysia of today should be forewarned of potential dangers that lie ahead when Malaysia's economy becomes unstable as a result of global recession etc. which could lead to a struggle for livelihood in general and this may exacerbate tensions in race relations resulting in riots, physical violence, physical racially motivated attacks etc. – this is not a far-fetched scenario as there have been indications of the fragile state of race relations in recent years with the incident at Low Yat Plaza, racial altercations in Old Klang Road in the last decade, racially motivated protests with reference to the recent political rallies. It must be remembered that even in Nazi Germany as institutionalized racism was taking root, nobody had foreseen the massacre of Jewish people of the numbers and magnitude of the Holocaust and yet, this was the eventual consequence of the Nazi brand of racism. Hence, it is not far-fetched at all to speculate that when the very highest authority of laws in a nation sanction racism, there is really no telling to what extent the diabolical forces in power will resort to in exterminating the perceived threat / competition for survival. The fact that Malaysia is already spiraling towards a police state should be a red flag warning of a catastrophic future for minority races here.
Yet another parallel that is conspicuous when identifying the similarities between Nazi Germany and Malaysia is that both nations do not ascribe to the practice and philosophy of divinity and treating fellow humans equally and both are essentially diabolical in this sense. The only difference is that whilst Nazi Germany was overt in its sinister intentions towards its minority race citizens, Malaysia is seen to be hypocritical in preaching religious principles and yet perpetrating diabolical acts against its citizens of minority race. In this sense, Malaysia is seen to be more sinister and devious and hence, more dangerous. The epitome of a diabolical nation is one where it needs to persecute and marginalize one class of its citizens, usually the minority class to ensure the survival and prosperity of the dominant class of people. The very fact that a majority race of people are threatened by a minority race itself is an indication of evil having its roots in such a nation. There are many nations in the world of today where Christian principles are upheld hence allowing people of other religious faiths to settle in those nations and earn a decent livelihood with hard work as the playing field is leveled and although some negative racial sentiments are hurled upon immigrant communities, the laws protect them and hence, they do not have to fear for their lives nor livelihoods as minority races in diabolical nations need to fear.
The author of this article contends and postulates that it is sub-human races that indulge in vile tactics of targeting smaller racial groups of people who are easy targets as a result of their smaller numbers as they cannot bear the shame and disgrace of the success achieved by this more advantaged yet vulnerable class. This is essentially the Malaysian and Nazi Germany dilemma and yet another parallel that both regimes share in common. Egocentricity in proclaiming the superiority of mortals based upon race is a direct violation of divine teaching regardless of any reason i.e. it is in essence a diabolical act to deliberately cause harm to innocent people regardless of race. Malaysia's covert diabolical agenda towards its minority race citizens will ensure that it never becomes a Developed Nation in the true sense of being internationally recognized as such at anytime in history. Malaysia remains a nation of sinister paradoxes and diabolical distortions to facilitate the prosperity of one race of people to the detriment of all other races. It should be ashamed to share parallels with the most despised regime in the history of mankind thus far. All other nations should actively boycott / sanction Malaysia for this reason alone if not for any other reason. To do otherwise would be an affront to the spirit of humanity in a globalized world.
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