Solar panels, which are actually known as PV (Photovoltaic) devices, turn sunlight into electricity so that people can use it in their home and can save their electricity also. In the 1880s, the photovoltaic effect was first discovered. But almost before 1950s, the scientists developed the first solar cell with a lot of capability to power electronic appliances. This first solar cell was made from silicon and this material is derived from sand which is photovoltaic by nature. Though today's technology is very much efficient than the first solar cells, still most of the solar PVs are silicon-based.

What are Solar Cells?

The individual building blocks of solar PV panels are called Solar Cells. When sunlight hits the solar cells, it is automatically consumed by the silicon and then it enhances the loose electrons inside to generate electricity. These cells are joined together into the solar panels. In other words, the solar panels can also be joined together into the larger arrays. From the solar panels, the current flows into an inverter and then this current is converted by the solar inverter into electricity which you use in your homes.

Different Types of Solar Photovoltaic Panels:

As per above details, you know already that most of the solar panels are created with silicon. The different types of Solar PV panels are:

1. Monocrystalline Silicon / Single Silicon

2. Polycrystalline Silicon / Multi Silicon

3. Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV)

4. Solar Thermal Panels

Monocrystalline Silicon Panel is the most efficient type of silicon-based Solar PV panel. When you get a limited measure of space, this type of solar panel is good to utilize. The panels which have less silicon in them but little bigger than others and also less costly, are Polycrystalline Silicon panels. Thin Film technology is used by the other types of solar panels. This process is cheaper for making but at the same time they are not enough efficient also. The shingles which are less efficient and are made for blending with regular shingles are Solar Shingles.

Why Use Solar PV:

After you have paid for the solar panels, you will be getting free electricity with only some basic fees from the usage company, as the sunlight is totally free. This way, you can save a lot of money over the time. Now with the help of solar incentives and taxes it is becoming more reasonable for getting new solar PV panels. You can get huge environmental benefits with the solar panels. Using solar panels give a lot of benefits such as: fight climate change, reduce carbon emissions etc. You know that coal-powered plants are one of the biggest polluter which is a source of Carbon-dioxide and so, this creates Coal pollution which leads to some diseases like bronchitis and asthma. Thus, even over other renewable energy sources, solar energy has a lot of advantages because it is a safe and clean option

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