Oops, I did it again! I just hit the button sending 4k contacts the wrong email!
If this gives you a sense of deja vu, you are not alone. Anyone who has been part of a business development team handling a lead generation marketing campaign manually would have faced this issue at least once if not more. You plan, strategics, draw up work-flows and schedules and, and yet when it comes to the final step, you send the wrong mail!
We totally understand your sense of despair and frustration. Unfortunately, a manually administered email campaign is prone to such errors. A moment's loss of attention,a last minute change, an oversight or error precipitated by deadline pressures...all lead to mistakes. Small, but costly mistakes. Errors with the potential to impact the way you and your brand is viewed.
If you have had it with manual processes and the inevitable human goof ups, opt for a robot powered solution. Since these are programmable , most campaigns require only one round of data input and instructions. All subsequent launches are almost instant since basic information need not be input again.
Launching the initial campaign requires entering the basic details – permissions, the number of rounds of emails to be sent, the contact list etc. Once this is done, the automated solution sends the emails as per the schedule based on clearly defined triggers.
In the back-end, the platform sorts the replies - identifying the ones that need to be pushed into the next mail cycle for follow up, those that need to be completely weeded out from the mailing list and those that make it to the hot leads list. Positive responses from the last category are sent to the campaign manager's email account on a real time basis. This ensures there is no time wasted between the identification of a lead and forwarding the details to sales to start the conversion process.
Essentially, with a robot powered platform, launching an email campaign to generate lead is reduced to an activity that is as simple as a select and submit action...Of course, provided you get your hands on an email lead generation solution that is simple to use; one that promises not to bog you down with jargon or with an instruction manual that pushes you over the edge.
Curious to know if such solutions exist? Visit www.plugleads.com to find answers and and to get a sneak preview into an awesome email lead generation solution that is gearing up for launch...
Source : articlesbase.com
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