Intuit Inc., featured in the Fortune magazine as the "Top 100 best companies to work for", has been leading the personal finance software spectrum for quite some time now and has built upon its legacy as an innovator and provider of personal financial management solutions. Walking through its vision to provide a means to electronically link customers with banks, brokers and other big and small businesses, it has mesmerized the customers by its ravishing product line: Quicken, TurboTax, Payroll, QuickBooks to name a few. What's more, its flagship products have evolved from desktop to the cloud and being available for both online and mobile versions lately.

To provide customer service to its staunch trail of millions of users worldwide with so differentiated and assorted list of product mix, parity in the number of Intuit customer service is essential. The following list brings to the fore various available Intuit help for desktop, online and mobile users alike.

ASK YOUR QUERY: What's common in TurboTax, Payroll, Quicken and QuickBooks and other additional intuit services in the context of Text based Customer tech support is this: "Ask Your Query". If not this, then one may catch up with "Submit your question". This support works on every Intuit Online community space which includes TurboTax Community, Quicken Community, Payroll Community and QuickBooks Community. An "Ask" or "search" panel requests your query as input and a valid email ID. So make sure you already have an Email ID in place. Also to receive responses personally, you need to Sign-in. So don't forget to register yourself. These communities are social villages where users and experts both share the space. Valuable information is shared and queries are resolved and addressed. The only downside is that no time frame is set for the answer response. So being patience is the only remedy.

EXPERT ONE-ON-ONE ANSWERS: Foraging through various Intuit service and support websites, one on one expert advice is found to be offered for TurboTax and QuickBooks, at their respective web addresses. QuickBooks users will be directed to Intuit's Accountants online service for a Pro Accountant location. With the term self-explanatory, an expert would communicate with you in person and resolve your queries.

PHONE SUPPORT: This Intuit Customer Service is available for Quicken and Payroll services. Quicken users should call at 1-855-588-6312 between business hours 5am-5pm (PST). For Basic, Standard and Enhanced Payroll support, users can call at Toll-free number (866) 223-5562 between business hours 6am-6pm. It's a weekdays only service.

CUSTOMER CENTERS: Intuit has rolled out a unique support for its new customers. Payroll service users begin with spending time on already prepared checklist- a prerequisite to setup payroll account, step by step instructions to setup payroll and an overview of the future tasks that users have to do throughout the year. Further,QuickBooks users can also avail a similar service crafted with a different title "Small Business Center" which is introduced as "Ultimate Guide to running your Small Business".

TRAINING RESOURCES: To help new as well as existing users to polish their functional nimbleness on Intuit products, various resources like videos, tips, and tutorials, webinars, podcasts, blogs etc. have been posted. What's cool is that they are free and updated on a regular basis to keep customers abreast of the latest arrivals.

INDEPENDENT SUPPORT: With millions of users worldwide reaping benefits of Intuit products, many tech support businesses are thriving. They are offering premium services in line with what Intuit offers but with added benefits and discount credits. To name a few, they offer to resolve multiple issues per call and a certain number of free services annually.

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